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The diffusion and impact of radio frequency identification in supply chains: A multi-method approach

Posted on:2013-08-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Wu, XiaoranFull Text:PDF
GTID:1458390008468474Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a promising and emerging technology for supply chain management, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a new alternative to existing tracking technologies and also allows a range of internal control and supply chain coordination. RFID has generated a significant amount of interest and activities from both practitioners and researchers in recent years. However, the factors important for its diffusion in supply chains and the impact on supply chain performance have not been well understood. Many organizations are reluctant to participate in supply-chain level RFID projects because of this lack of understanding. My dissertation proposes to help understand RFID's use in supply chains through a multi-method approach---an empirical study to understand the diffusion and impact of RFID and a simulation study to understand RFID's impact on inventory accuracy in supply chains. My first study on the factors influencing RFID adoption decision showed that compatibility, trading partner's RFID capability, trading partner power, competitive pressure, transaction volume and financial resources are significant factors for RFID adoption in a supply chain context. The second study which looked into the post-adoption use of RFID for supply chain has found that adoption cost, complexity, organizational readiness, external pressure and trading partner readiness significantly influence RFID infusion, which finally improves firm's supply chain process performance. The third study used a simulation model to examine RFID's impact on inventory management in supply chains. The key findings were that the benefits reaped from RFID heavily depend on product type which implements RFID. The above findings indicate that organizations have to carefully evaluate their RFID project with different factors identified in this dissertation to successfully implement RFID and derive its full benefits. My dissertation has contributed to RFID research in particular, and supply chain technology adoption in general, by showing the importance of trading partner issues for supply chain technology diffusion and use.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply chain, Technology, Radio frequency identification, Diffusion, Trading partner, Impact, Understand RFID, RFID adoption
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