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Traffic-aware stress testing of distributed real-time systems based on UML models using genetic algorithms

Posted on:2007-12-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Garousi, VahidFull Text:PDF
A stress test methodology aimed at increasing chances of discovering faults related to distributed traffic in distributed systems is presented. The technique uses as input a specified UML 2.0 model of a system, augmented with timing information, and yields stress test requirements composed of specific Control Flow Paths along with time values to trigger them.;We report the results of applying our stress test methodology on the prototype system and discuss the usefulness of the technique. Results indicate that the technique is significantly more effective at detecting distributed traffic-related faults when compared to standard test cases based on an operational profile. Furthermore, a sophisticated stress test technique based on Genetic Algorithms is proposed to handle specific constraints in the context of Real-Time distributed systems.;We propose different variants of our stress testing methodology to test networks and nodes of a system under test according to various heuristics. Using a real-world system specification, we design and implement a prototype distributed system and describe, for that particular system, how the stress test cases are derived and executed using our methodology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stress test, System, Distributed, Genetic algorithms, Test cases
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