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Exploring the Utility of Victims' Perceptions of Risk Assessment Tools: Validation of the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment Using Shelter Victim Interviews

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Dinwiddie, Krystal JFull Text:PDF
Domestic violence affects the victim and society as a whole. Advances have been made to assist in victim restoration, batterer interventions, and the development of domestic violence risk assessment tools. Risk assessment has been influential in batterer risk detection, detainee recommendations, as well as identifying unique victim-specific concerns for re-abuse and safety planning. The latter will be discussed herein.;Domestic violence risk assessment tools designed specifically for use with victims will be explored. The Danger Assessment (DA) is widely used in domestic violence shelters and counseling centers across America. The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) is mostly used among batterers in criminal justice and law enforcement settings, but rich information can be obtained from this measure. The present study furthers understanding on the utility of the ODARA among victim populations via cross-validation with the DA risk assessment along with other contributing factors that increase risk for re-abuse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Risk assessment, Victim, Domestic
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