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Building Beyond Limits: Fantastic Collisions Between Bodies and Machines in French and English Fin-de-Siecle Literature

Posted on:2014-11-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Castravelli, Lianne ChristineFull Text:PDF
“Building Beyond Limits: Fantastic Collisions Between Bodies and Machines in French and English Fin-de-Siècle Literature” explores late-nineteenth-century texts that emerged in response, or in reaction to, the rapidly evolving scientific and technological environment and which specifically consider man's relationship to the machine by fantasizing about the grey area where they intersect. The core texts examined include Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's L'Ève future, Alfred Jarry's Le Surmâle, George Du Maurier's Trilby, Jules Verne's Le Château des Carpathes, and a selection of short stories which we may refer to as contes à appareils, most prominently Marcel Schwob's “La Machine à parler.”;Using systems theory as its underlying structure, this dissertation sets out to reinterpret late-nineteenth-century texts that navigate the limits of the human and the mechanical and the sensitive surfaces where they touch and interact by re-inscribing them into a greater project of identity-building that defies chronological time and mathematical scale. As such, the connection between systems theory and architecture – as a method of organizing blank space into space that is inhabitable – is explored in order to understand the way in which we shape and make sense of the void at the origin of individual, and by extension collective, identity by engaging in the literal act of body mapping and building. Authors such as Villiers and Jarry set up the building of bodies as a scientific endeavor which must necessarily rely on available materials and technologies only to level this proposition by condemning the technological body to destruction. The construction of a technologically-enabled identity thus takes on promethean proportions which are perpetually redesigned in the cyclical acts of raising and razing, and reflected in the palimpsestic qualities of the texts. At stake is the integrity of the organic body, of the very nucleus of what it means to be human which, as evidenced by the equating of pathology with the loss of voice in the texts of Du Maurier, Verne and Schwob, may very well prove to be a structure which is distinctly un sound.;Key words: Bodies, Machines, System, Network, Architecture, Technology, Sound, Apparatus, Origin, Decadence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bodies, Machines, Building, Limits, Texts
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