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Leading an organization through change using emotional intelligence

Posted on:2011-05-28Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:McKenzie, Karen LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002954000Subject:Business Administration
The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to explore, investigate, and understand how managers who use emotional intelligence (EI may influence employees when change occurs in an organization. Change happens when companies are merged, acquired, closed, downsized or restructured. The way change is communicated, processed, planned, and implemented affects all employees. EI can play an integral part in helping employees implement, embrace, and adapt to change within an organization by using the five qualities of EI: (a) self-awareness, (b) self-regulation, (c) motivation, (d) empathy, and (e) social skills. The goal of this study was to help managers who have an understanding of emotions assist employees adapt to organizational changes and aid in motivating employees to incorporate change. The purpose of the research was to examine the different responses given by managers in the automotive industry regarding practices of EI in a change process. The analysis revealed the different mechanisms for communicating change and the impact of the mechanisms from a manager's perspective. The study also involved investigating how the managers perceived EI how the managers incorporated EI in effecting change, and the managers' perceived impact of the use of EI. Significant relationships emerged between managers' awareness of EI, use of EI, and individual differences in preference of methods. The conclusions included suggestions regarding the intelligent use of different tactics and mechanisms for formulating an action plan to handle an issue. The current research resulted in insight to potential training programs that can be devised on the basis of the findings enumerated in this dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Change, Managers, Organization
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