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Metro Environmental: The impact of training HVAC technicians using the SightPros-VirTechs system for remote, wireless, internet video assistance

Posted on:2009-11-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of North TexasCandidate:Daily, Ellen Wilmoth MatthewsFull Text:PDF
This qualitative study explored the overall impact of training HVAC technicians using the SightPros-VirTechs system for remote, wireless, internet video assistance at a small HVAC company, Metro Environmental. John Thomason, the president/co-owner developed a website and a new SightPros communication tool that allows wireless, one-on-one, just-in-time, high-quality, video-monitored instructions between an expert at one site and a technician at another site.;Metro Environmental successfully used the SightPros-VirTechs system to train a new apprentice remotely. The apprentice and expert changed their normal and routine physical activities because the expert worked remotely and the apprentice worked onsite. Within just a few months, the apprentice proved competent enough to go to customer accounts without more experienced technicians nearby. The technicians express excitement about the SightPros communication tool as a way to contact remote experts whenever needed. The customer and business contacts also give good reviews and suggest other benefits. The expert permanently captures the communications so the company can use the saved video for many applications, especially training. The dissertation provides a list of recommendations to trainers/educators for similar applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sightpros-virtechs system, Training, HVAC, Video, Technicians, Metro environmental, Remote, Wireless
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