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Intelligent tutoring for interviewing to detect deception: Can investigator be trained to elicit and detect accurate cues to deception?

Posted on:2011-06-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at El PasoCandidate:Albrechtsen, Justin ScottFull Text:PDF
The present study examined whether investigators can be trained to elicit and detect cues to deception. The study included two training conditions and a control condition. Participants in the virtual Human Intelligent Tutoring System (vHITS) conditions completed a training program for deception detection and investigative interviewing. The primary components of this training were one-on-one interaction with a virtual human and tutoring tailored to specific participant responses. Participants in the Computer Based Training (CBT) conditions completed a comparable training program for deception detection and investigative interviewing. However, this program provided a more passive training environment with no interaction between student and tutor. Participants in the control conditions received no training. The performance of all three conditions on a deception detection task and an investigative interviewing task were compared. Results showed significant within-group differences between pre-test and post-test performance for both training conditions on all measures. However, results did not show significant between-groups differences at post-test for the training conditions on any measure. Possible explanations of these results are discussed as well as implications for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deception, Training, Detect, Conditions, Interviewing, Tutoring
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