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Teen Challenge Best Practices Manual

Posted on:2010-05-09Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Assemblies of God Theological SeminaryCandidate:Thomas, George MFull Text:PDF
When one out of fourteen Americans, twelve years old and over, currently abuse illicit drugs, the role that Teen Challenge (TC) plays in discipleship and recovery cannot be underestimated from a financial, social, or eternal standpoint. In this post-fiftieth anniversary era in TC ministry, an efficient corporate structure, transparent finances, ethical fundraising practices, adequate compensation, ability to resolve conflict, and spiritual integrity will translate into effectiveness and mission success. The Teen Challenge Best Practices Manual serves as a tool that can be referenced in training and resourced by program directors, staff, and interns.;The manual served as a training tool at the 2009 New Directors' conference and is downloadable from the national Web site. It will also serve as a primary tool for training TC directors and staff in Best Practices at all four regional conferences in 2009. Additionally, the manual has been placed into the hands of all TC directors across America. It archives, in one location, answers to numerous administrative questions asked by new and veteran TC staff over the years. Not only does it present steps to organizing a non-profit corporation, relevant federal laws, financial policies, average compensation by industry, successful fundraising methods, and real life conflict situations, but it highlights non-profit industry standards as well.;The structure, policies, and practices of five other non-profits were compared with those of Teen Challenge to achieve a reference point. In conclusion, it was determined that TC should strive to modify its structure, diversify its governance, provide more training regarding laws, and pursue financial transparency and accountability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teen challenge, Practices, Manual, Training
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