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A Study Of The Central Consorship Commission Of Books And Periodicals (1938-1945)

Posted on:2018-11-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330548468563Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the establishment of Nanjing national government,the KMT establish a set of books review system Party organs,on the basis of censorship of the original administrative system of Beiyang government,forming a part of the interior ministry and the central propaganda work of the party and government cooperation track censorship system.This system stimulates the power struggle between the CC Clique and the Political Ccience Clique.An censorship competition events broke out between the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of the Interior.The Kuomintang senior officials amended the publication Law and decided to set up the central book and magazine Review Committee to settle disputes over the power of examination and publication between the party and government organs until the war of resistance against JapanThe Central Consorship Commission of Books and Periodicals is established by the KMT Central Committee Propaganda Department,the Ministry of internal affairs,the Ministry of education,the Ministry of Political Affairs as the nation's top censorship authority for books and periodicals in October 1938.It is a loose multi-faction coalition with a collegiate system.The same is true of the organization and faction of the censorship in the provinces and municipalities.Various factions of authorities and their staff simply incorporated into the trial,failed to effectively integrate.Its factional dispute over leadership is inevitable.The members of the CC party office are secretaries who are in charge of daily affairs and therefore take the initiative in the struggle for power.As Yin Weilian served as a secretary,taking advantage of his position,the exclusion of other factions,the development of personal power.This leads to a group centered on Yin Weilian.It is called Yin Weilian clique.In 1941,when the censorship were changed to administrative organs,the collegial system became centralized.Pan Gongzhan served as chairman of the it,take advantage of institutional adjustments and changes in personnel,break up Yin Weilian clique and build up the strength of Pan Gongzhan clique.Pan Gongzhan also used his recommendation to the director of the censorship of the provinces and municipalities to arrange his cronies to serve as the director of the censorship.The director of the censorship also develops individual factions within the institutions.Pan Gongzhan also founded the Censorship Newsletter and the establishment of secret communication system,to achieve the purpose of control staff at all levels of audit.He achieved through administrative and factional two full control of the censorship system.Although the organization's work is reviewed,it is not static.According to the war situation,the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the development of the publishing industry,they have shifted the focus of work from review to propaganda and guidance in two areas.From 1938 to 1940,It will be in the KMT leadership support,overcome the resistance inside and outside the party,the mandatory implementation of manuscript review system;and the Central Statistics Bureau cooperation,strengthen its investigation and cooperation;the party,government and military organs,guarding,held joint inspection.From 1941 to 1943,it will organize the publication of the ideological struggle series,advocating one revolution theory,to boycott the new democratic revolution China communist theory;the compilation of Chinese ancient virtuous tales,advocating"China spirit",resist the CCP's class struggle.From 1944 to 1945,it will establish The press magazine and the establishment of a China Copyright Association,on the one hand can win two circles,on the other hand,can guide the publishing circles and cultural circles for the cultural construction of the service.It's the negative censorship and inspection work can not eradicate illegal publications;the passive refutation centered propaganda eventually cannot form a unified theory;its moral didactic instruction,and to save the publishing industry and the situation of the poor scholars torsional collapse.It will own the erosion of factional politics and factional struggles plagued.It is not only failed to unify the inner party thought,but also failed to realize its original intention of unifying the people's ideology,and the people were pushed to their opposite.After the end of the war,the wartime manuscript review system no longer exist,it is reduced to the Publish Guidance Committee,under the jurisdiction of the Central Propaganda Department;the transfer of rights to the Ministry of the Interior censorship.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Central Consorship Commission of Books and Periodicals, Faction, CC Clique, Pan Gongzhan, Yin Weilian
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