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Aesthetic Of Time In Ivan Bunin's Novel

Posted on:2019-12-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330542991744Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the first Russian writer awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature,the Literary heritage of Ivan Bunin was far not researched sufficiently.This is partly due to the complicacy of Bunin's works.In this dissertation we studied aesthetic of time in Bunin's novels,more systematically explained Bunin's thesis“ Resistance to time”,at the same time pointed out the relations between aesthetic of time and internal systemic structure in Bunin's novels.The dissertation argued from the following 5 aspects:1.Bunin's thesis “time can be deconstructed”.Bunin's core thesis of time is “there's no difference between souls in the world,nor is time”,the essence of which is to deconstruct distinction.Time can be deconstructed,because time is part of distinction.2.Resistance to time.The time in Aesthetic of Time is time in works,which is decided by author's views of Time.In principle time in works has two dimensions: objectified and subjectified.Bunin's resisted the objectified time.3.Remolding of time.Bunin valued history and tried to reconstruct life in its spiritual dimension,which led to the lineage of history.In Bunin's world,history possessed for dimensions—biography,family history,human history and universe history.With the aid of structure “recalling memory”,history became the key to reveal the riddle of human and the question of human's existence,and in a certain sense,the key to remold existential time.Narration is the microscopic way to remold existential time.4.Time as the preface of life.With a clear understanding of Bunin's view of time,the world picture he wrote was confirmed as the World Night(in German: Weltmacht).From the macroscopic aspect,human-being was falling in the world of “the they”,which was decided by objectified time.From the microcosmic aspect,Bunin's character Somnambulist represented a way to peep through the crack of reality.5.Time as the postscript of life.Bunin tried to conquer objectified time,his mission was an answer to Martin Heidegger's question “what's poet in the World Night?” In this sense Bunin's writing can be divided into two kinds of experiment: the first one is “Common experiment”,which is to remold the poetry of life in daily life.The other one is to strike “uncommon events”,with the help of which life was reevaluated.
Keywords/Search Tags:I.Bunin, Aesthetic of time, Death, Idyl, Drown
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