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The Empirical Research On Energy Efficiency Of China

Posted on:2020-07-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1362330596481161Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's economic development is inseparable from the large consumption of energy.However,with the extensive consumption and utilization of fossil energy,energy security will bring negative influence on economic development.Besides,the extensive consumption of fossil energy will lead to greenhouse effect,and environmental issues become increasingly severe.So that exploring the influencing factors of energy efficiency and the way to improve energy efficiency has great practical significance on safeguarding China's energy security,promoting sustainable economic growth,and decreasing environmental pollution.From the national perspective,the changes in energy efficiency are often decomposed into structure effect brought about by industrial structure transfer and efficiency effect brought about by changes in overall efficiency within the industry.Then what is the contribution of the two parts to the improvement of energy efficiency? From a regional perspective,the energy efficiency of different regions is quite different.Then what are the reasons for the differences in energy efficiency among different regions? Areas with abundant energy resources are more likely to gather more energy-intensive industries because of the advantages of factor endowment.However,if enterprises in the same industry produce and operate in different regions,will their energy efficiency be different? In addition,from the perspective of the industry,what kinds of problem will exist in the energy industries and energy-intensive industries? Can tax policy serve as an important macro-regulation tool?In order to answer the above questions,based on the previous literature research,this thesis analyzes from macro to micro perspective at national,regional and enterprise levels.Correspondingly,the data collected and analyzed in this paper are also divided into three categories,the first is the national aggregate data,the second is the regional aggregate data(mainly from the statistical yearbooks),and the third is the enterprise level data(from the national tax survey data),which include enterprise energy consumption data and production operations and taxation data of enterprises.In different levels of research,different data and different research methods are used for different questions.The specific research context of this paper is as follows:The first part is the introduction,which mainly expounds the research background and research significance,describes the main research contents and methods,and shows the research framework,and the academic contributions and deficiencies of this paper.The first chapter is a literature review.This chapter systematically combs the literature on energy efficiency measurement methods,factors influencing energy efficiency,energy and related industries misallocation research,and the impact of resource tax and value-added tax on energy efficiency.Each chapter of these researches were reviewed and briefly summarized.The second chapter conducts research from the national level.Using the LMDI decomposition method,the overall energy intensity variation effect is divided into the structural effect caused by the industrial structure transfer and the efficiency effect caused by the industrial efficiency improvement.The LMDI decomposition result shows that efficiency improvement in the industrial industry is the main source of energy efficiency improvement in China.Therefore,based on this finding,the fifth chapter of this paper will focus on the analysis of the factors which can affect energy efficiency in the industry.The third chapter and the fourth chapter are the analysis at the regional level.The third chapter uses the regional aggregate data to measure and compare the regional energy efficiency using energy intensity and total factor energy efficiency.The measurement of total factor energy efficiency is based on the DEA-BCC method and the Malmquist index method.According to the characteristics of regional energy efficiency differences measured in chapter 3,the fourth chapter conducts investigation of the factors affecting regional energy efficiency.The result shows that there exist resource curse in regional energy efficiency.The robustness of this conclusion is further confirmed with spatial measurement methods.However,regional energy efficiency will be influenced by regional industrial structure without doubt.Then will enterprises in the same industry have different energy efficiency in different regions? To answer this question,the enterprise data is used in the fifth chapter.The stylized facts calculated from enterprise data in the same industry show that there is a significant regional difference in the energy intensity of firms even in the same industry.In the regression,the individual fixed effect is used,that means,the influence of the industry difference is controlled.The existence of the resource curse is proved again.Even the space spillover effect is considered,the conclusion is still convincing.At the same time,in the regression analysis of Chapter 5,the influence from enterprise characteristics on energy efficiency is also examined.In addition to the enterprise energy efficiency issues,is there any further problem in the energy industry and the related energy-intensive industries? On the basis of the fifth chapter,the sixth chapter uses enterprise data to further analyze the minor problems in the energy industry.Based on the HK model framework,the misallocation wedges are re-set to measure the misallocation of the industry.It is found that the energy industry and some energyintensive industries have higher degree of misallocation,that means,the degree of unfairness in the same industry is more obvious.Taxation policy is a kind of key macroeconomic regulation,does taxation policy have an effect on energy efficiency? To find out the answer,in the first section of Chapter 7,we use the bidirectional fixed-effects model to analyze the relationship between regional resource tax and energy efficiency.I found that the resource tax is invalid.The second section uses the continuous DID method to examine the impact of value-added tax(VAT)reform on energy efficiency and finds that VAT reform improves energy efficiency by increasing enterprise fixed asset investment.Based on the above empirical research,the main conclusions of this paper are as follows:First,in terms of overall national energy efficiency,since the founding of the People's Republic of China,China's energy intensity has shown a downward trend as a whole,only during the Great Leap Forward period,and the industrialization process has shown an upward trend.The LMDI decomposition of energy intensity in the past two decades shows that the contribution ratio of efficiency effect within the industry exceeds 60% in most years.In terms of different industris,the improvement of industrial energy efficiency contributes most to improvement in overall energy efficiency.But this paper also found that in the economic downturn,the structural effect has led to a decline in energy efficiency,indicating that when the economic situation is poor,large-scale infrastructure construction has driven demand for high-energy products,affecting the improvement of energy efficiency.Second,at the regional level,no matter what measurement method is used,the energyrich areas are less energy efficient.Regression analysis of regional energy efficiency proves the existence of the resource curse,and with the increase of the proportion of regional power investment,energy efficiency will decline.Foreign direct investment can improve energy efficiency in most areas.But in the northeast region,the introduction of foreign capital brings more pollution than the pollution decrease brought by the effect of technology spillovers.It means that foreign direct investment cannot improve energy efficiency in this area.And the improvement of regional technology can significantly improve regional energy efficiency.The conclusion is consistent with the use of total factor energy efficiency and the use of spatial measurement methods for robustness testing.Third,from the enterprise level,even if the influence of the regional industrial structure is ruled out,the resource curse still exists.The enterprises' coal energy efficiency are lower which in the areas with abundant energy endowments,and energy endowment has a greater impact on the energy-intensive industry.In addition,investigating the impact of enterprise characteristics on energy intensity,I found that energy efficiency has a scale effect.The larger the enterprise scale,the higher the coal energy efficiency;the higher the total factor productivity of enterprises,the higher the coal energy efficiency.But for the company's oil energy intensity,resource curse is not established.However,the oil energy efficiency of enterprises still has scale effect.In addition,after using enterprise data to study the misallocation of industry,I found that the energy industries and some energy-intensive industries have more serious misallocation level than other industries.This means that there exist a large number of highefficiency companies and a large number of inefficient companies in these industries at the same time.Misallocation leads to loss of efficiency.In a perfect market,inefficient companies will gradually withdraw from the market.So the result indicates that in the energy and related industries,some inefficient companies have not withdrawn from the market.Fourth,based on the perspective of the effect of tax policy.First of all,the resource tax for regulating resource exploitation has not played its due role.On the one hand,resource tax improves energy efficiency by increasing energy prices;on the other hand,since resource tax revenues are all obtained to local goverment,through financial incentive effect,resource taxes increase the scale of mining and further increase the resource curse,thereby decreasing energy efficiency.Under the influence of two mechanisms,there is no significant correlation between resource tax and energy intensity in most regions.The VAT transformation reform,which has a major impact on the production behavior of enterprises,has significantly improved the energy efficiency of enterprises.The analysis of the intermediate effect shows that the VAT reform improves energy efficiency by stimulating enterprises in high-energy industries to invest in fixed production equipment.
Keywords/Search Tags:energy efficiency, resource curse, enterprise level, tax policy
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