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A Study On The TV Formats Modelization For The Entertainment Program In China

Posted on:2015-10-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S X BaiFull Text:PDF
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Entering the new century, the forms of television entertainment programs become a part of Chinese television viewing in the troika, as the2012"Chinas Got Talent","Chinese good voice","where dad" and so on TV format brought about by the high ratings and strong influence, Chinese television entertainment market as a whole presents the dominated by introducing TV format innovation trend, and by provincial satellite channels and central television media together form the "TV format blowout phenomenon" become a new landscape in the development of Chinese TV entertainment.TV format of large-scale introduction of on the one hand, by viewing the market recognition, bring new development direction for Chinese television entertainment industry, but at the same time by the homogeneity and innovation limited.Under the realistic background, this study tries to analyze the formation and development of TV entertainment program pattern inherent law, interpretation of the analysis of the development of Chinese TV entertainment program estimation process, and provide a path for its stereotyped tendency.This research will show the format and model development,the program and TV format of a clear definition of that program is broadcast directly,think the program is broadcast can be directly, no product innovation space program, TV format is a unique creative, the universal value, the franchise, the detailed rules for the implementation frameworks and program design;format itself is relatively static specific rules and norms, and estimation is the process and result of format infinitely wide, TV stereotypes is that TV format as the main body of the development process.TV format is the world's cultural industry development mode to entertainment as the main body of the television cultural goods, from the finished product program in the international market to exchange program flow format in the global market, TV shows are cross cultural and geographical barriers become a cultural industrial production the maximization of profit.Production method of the cultural industry on the one hand, dispelling the diversified innovation of TV entertainment program and TV viewers the variety of choices, but a lot can be replicated, selling, and based on the mode localization innovation program mode also satisfy the audience of entertainment of the growing consumer demand.TV format is worth to pay close attention to is the world's largest industrial era TV culture form, it is in the process of economic development of the global entertainment by the market and audience recognition, can become a global TV trade circulation, and then become to show the trend of stereotypes.The development of Chinese TV entertainment program estimation can be divided into two phases:the first is based on the unconscious and imitation program pattern under the initial consciousness, in the80s by gala presents a variety show form gala model with Chinese characteristics, but is not format, this pattern is a kind of unconscious of mass transfer and extend together scene, unable to form a format replication and sales.Represented by Hunan Satellite TV to reference and imitation of the western TV format is modeled the awakening of consciousness, Chinese TV amusement programs is the beginning of the program modeled estimation process.Second phase in TV format import for the node, copy and Chinese TV entertainment program began patterned localization strategy based on innovation, and show the estimation process, based on the model introduced in "second innovation", through the digestion, absorption, complete TV format based on the significance of local and form innovation.Program modeled the establishment of development on the one hand, to complete the transformation of Chinese TV entertainment program modeled, on the other hand provides a development strategy for Chinese television modeling of innovation.On the development of Chinese TV entertainment programs modeled the diachronic, this study thinks that modeled as wide TV format development process and result, is a kind of Chinese TV entertainment program development inevitable path selection. Infinite rich Chinese television channel resources and the audience the growing demand for entertainment requirements are put forward for the development of Chinese TV entertainment program and TV entertainment programs must be through a lot of innovation to complete the channel space filling and satisfy the demand for audience ratings.Estimation is the development path of Chinese TV entertainment program modeled on TV format of digestion, absorption, innovation, integrated innovation and original innovation, finishing the development of multiple TV format, and then complete the Chinese TV format of production and output.Modeled the significance lies in the mature mode of rapid replication and based on the model of "imitation innovation", from the Angle of the innovation cost and risk, the imitation innovation compared with destructive "take the lead in innovation," innovation to some extent, low cost and can avoid the risk of innovation, for the present development of Chinese TV entertainment industry, the development has its rationality and feasibility of the program modeled.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese TV, Entertainment program, TV format, Modelization
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