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Research On Lin Bi

Posted on:2018-06-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330518950736Subject:Minnan culture and cross-strait exchange research
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At present,the academic circles more concentrated on the study of Minnan writers in Ming and Qing,as Minnan writers in the Yuan and Ming dynasty being ignored.Lin Bi,a writer born in Zhangzhou during the late Yuan to early Ming dynasty,had always been an ignored research object.Lin Bi was born in Zhangzhou,and served as local officer in Zhangzhou during the Yuan Zhizheng period of Shun-di emperor.As the chief local officer,Lin Bi not only assisted Darughachi to deal with daily affairs,also must communicate with local gentry to jointly maintain the social stability.Therefore,his corpus saved the records about the livelihood of Zhangzhou people and various social phenomena at the end of Yuan dynasty,in addition to the important information of Zhangzhou literati's life,writing works and social communications,which vividly showed out the Yuan dynasty literati's social network.In the early Ming dynasty,Lin Bi was recruited into imperial court by Emperor and pointed to manage the ministry of personnel.He communicated with the senior officials such as Song Lian,Liu Ji,Wang Yi and so on,diplomatically visited Vietnam twice,and wrote the corpus about visiting Vietnam which has the preface self-made by Song Lian.During the visiting to Vietnam,Lin Bi refused the bribe that made him getting the appreciation and trust of Emperor Taizu.In twelve years of Hongwu he was pointed as the mayor of Dengzhou.Dengzhou was an important marine port to central government communicating with Japan and Korea,as well as the stronghold of coastal defense in Ming dynasty.As a former official of the Yuan dynasty,Lin Bi was able to visit Vietnam twice,managed Dengzhou,which showed out Emperor Taizu's affirmation and trust to him.The situation was rare in early Ming's cruel politic environment.As the early Ming's prominent officer,Lin Bi interacted with ministers on poems,which improved the Minnan literati's influence on the mainstream literary world.What is more,he didn't forget Fujian,often took care of Fujian's scholars,and was seen as an influence officer to Zhangzhou.Imperial Collection of Four,as well as his eulogy commented him as the first literati of Minnan.However,about such an influential Minnan literati,academic circles have yet the monographs.Therefore,the research concentrated on Lin Bi and his family and corpus,not only filled the margin of the researches of Lin Bi,also explored and combed all kinds of social phenomena of late Yuan and early Ming by using new materials.Existing literature about Lin Bi includes Lin Bi's corpus 23 volumes;and other materials existing in other historical documents,local Chronicles and literary anthology,which can be comprehensive used.Research on Lin Bi not only deepen the Minnan writers,can also fill the blank of the researches on other writers,such as Lin Bi communicated with Song Lian and Liu Ji,can be used to supplement the study of Song Lian or Liu Ji.What's more,by the research on Lin Bi,we not only realize how the south imperial family hibernating during the imperial interrupt period in Yuan dynasty and waiting for reopen of the imperial examination,also realize the basic situations of the Yuan dynasty imperial examinations in Fujian.Moreover,Lin Bi visited Vietnam twice in Ming dynasty,left more than one hundred travel notes poetry.Through these poems,we can realize scenery along the road and traffic conditions from China to Vietnam in late yuan and early Ming,which has important literature value to study on Sino-Vietnam traffic.Thirdly,Lin Bi once supervised marine transportation,and was pointed as the mayor of Dengzhou.So he also fragmentally recorded marine transportation on the era.Fourthly,as the accomplished literati on calligraphy art at that era,Lin Bi not only comments Zhao Ziang calligraphy,also left his handwriting in many national treasure-classes hand post.Especially after these work lost,his words have more important value.Fifthly,Lin Bi contacted with many first-classes Yuan dynasty painters,such as Fang Huzi,Zhang Shikui,Gu An,Ke Jiusi et al.Lin Bi poem their paintings,recorded their biography,fill the vacancy of the research of Chinese painting history.Above all,Lin Bi is an important writer but has been long-term ignored by the academician.Research on Lin Bi not only riches the Minnan culture,and also deepen the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty literature research,which has important value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Bi, the Late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty, Minnan area, Communication, Vietnam
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