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Research On Justice Of Urban Health Resources Allocation

Posted on:2018-06-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1314330542481419Subject:Political Theory
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Justice is a basic problem of political science.The politicians within all times and countries highly concern of the distribution justice.Although the design of urban health resources allocation system is a kind of institutional and institutional arrangement,it is a reflection of the theory of distributive justice.Therefore,this paper follows the principle of "targeted" allocation of health resources in the city launched political studies of the "arrow" which is aimed to the "distributive justice".It is the basic national policy of healthy life of the masses which related to health care reform and development direction.This is the "health Chinese" implementation strategy,and advance the modernization of national governance situation of the major practical problems and the political justice theory research on direct correlation analysis.The comprehensive comparison of various justice theory,on the basis of combing,draws a scientific and feasible theory of justice,and the theory and practice of combining the case to answer.Since Foucault's " biopolitics" is almost regarded as an extremely important political field to study the issue of justice,Ahrendt and Gambon continue to study in this field and have made remarkable achievements,which led the world to pay attention to the relationship between life power and national politics.Therefore,the right to life and the right to health are very important in the political science of justice research.Every important advance in this field can be more effective in promoting the connotation of the theory of justice in politics.This paper is a bridge between the study of the theory of political justice and the allocation of urban health resources.The right to health is one of the most basic human rights enjoyed by citizens.It is one of the foundations of all the rights of citizens.The allocation of health resources is justice,reasonable layout and configuration in space,solve the imbalance and inequality,fairness and equality in all kinds of social subjects in the enjoyment of health resource status and the proportion of the.Justice is the primary value of the social system,just as truth is the chief value of the ideological system.The allocation of health resources reflects a country's level of planning,decision-making and implementation of health affairs,showing its ability to provide public health services and public health management system.Social justice is one of the core concepts ofcontemporary democratic politics.The allocation of health resources is not only the basic requirement of health justice,but also the political requirement for a country to maintain internal stability and unity.The pursuit of the rational allocation of health resources is the direction of the joint efforts of people,and the starting point of the allocation principle should be based on the health justice.Let the limited health resources to maximize fairness,in different social context and institutional arrangements,adhere to the value orientation of health resource allocation in the allocation of social justice,health resources and health protection in practice to unify the rationality,legitimacy.Urbanization is transforming a "rural China" into "urban China"".By the end of 2016,China's urbanization rate has reached 57.35%.It is predicted that the next 10-15 years,Chinese city population will account for more than 70% of the total population of the city.focusing on us,not only pay attention to the rural population to the city,we must pay more attention to an influx of immigrants into the city.The city system whether to provide a fair,inclusive and justice for all public goods into the city the population,especially to protect their health and health resources of public products.Health is the first requirement for all urban residents.To ensure the health and health of public goods should be the first public health products.This is a public product configuration is the realization of justice,whether to achieve the equalization of public product configuration,how to effectively design and reform of health resources allocation system to achieve the goal of justice,has become the subject of this paper.China health services reform has a long way to go.Health services reform has a direct impact on people's right to life and health,the relationship between people's livelihood and the free development of people has been the focus of the public and the government.Health resources is the material basis and basic elements to carry out health work,develop health care and improve people's health.The allocation of health resources,which is related to the structure and operation of the overall efficiency of the health service system and the key to the rights of the majority of people's life and health security base,has played a key role in the foundation in the reform and development of our country's health.It is gratifying: along with a comprehensive well-off society in the strategy,the CPC Central Committee and State Council issued the implementation of the "health China 2030" strategic planning on October 25,2016,which ensures the people's life and health into an overall strategic planning.This is a great inspiration to our research.However,in order to carry out this strategy,there are many aspects of the concept of justice that need to be studied.Therefore,the study of text is more urgent and important.In order to study the justice of urban health resources allocation,it is necessary to sort out the relevant theoretical resources.This paper mainly combs and analyzes the Chinese ancient theory of justice and its significance for city health resources allocation justice of public product theory and its application in the city.It also includes the allocation of health resources in different social justice theory in the city,the allocation of health resources in the application of justice and social security theory,and its significance in the city health resource allocation justice in the show,etc..Justice is as old as man's history.In ancient times people had justice thought in social intercourse and commodity exchange in-and-outside the clan.With the change of the times,the basic content of the justice thought has also undergone historic changes.Therefore,it is historical,derivative,relative and class.This paper briefly reviews the context of the change of the thought of justice in China and foreign countries,From the ancient Greece and Rome,Platon Aristotle,Socrates to modern times,Moore,campanelle Markee Japheth,Hume,Rousseau,Ge Dewen,Erwin,Kant,Hagel,and Marx and Engels,as well as contemporary liberalism,communitarianism,Sandel Rawls.Ancient Chinese Confucianism,Taoism,Buddhism,ink and other schools have their own deep sense of justice.The reasonable elements of the resources of justice thought are of positive theoretical significance for the study of the allocation of urban health resources and the realization of the basic social good.The theory of public goods from the initial Hume,after the development system Adam Smith and Pantaleo Ni,Ma Zola,progress to the Vic Searl Lindahl model,after Samuel Sen and Paul dig James Buchanan,Tiebout et al.,gradually mature.This theory has a direct reference value for revealing the nature and characteristics of urban health resources allocation.The theory of differential society created by Chinese scholars,is of direct help to the description of the division of interests and social structure of the socialist society with Chinese characteristics,and the study of the discussion of the "justice of difference" with the nature and boundary of the object.The origin and development of the social security and social welfare thought,make the article more systematic understanding of the evolution of the social security in the field of medical and health.Therefore,it is helpful to learn from the experience of other countries.In the first chapter,the author systematically combs the relevant theories.The second chapter is based on the experience of the United States,Britain,Japan,Germany,Singapore and so on.In the third chapter,the chapter focuses on the research of urban health resources allocation in china.The third chapter mainly studies the evolution history and present situation of urban health resources allocation in china.This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the history and current situation of the urban health resources allocation in China from three aspects: the medical insurancesystem,the medical service system and the public health system.On the field of medical insurance system,This article is based on the review and explanation of the gradual reform of China's medical insurance system,deeply analyze medical insurance for urban workers,and the establishment process,basic framework,characteristics,functions and problems of medical insurance system for urban residents.Then,from the analysis of two cases of urban floating children and serious illness medical insurance,to further analyze the internal limitations of the urban medical insurance system.On the field of medical and health service system,this paper focus on the medical and health service system construction of network history and current situation and problems are analyzed,especially the analysis of morphological organization medical conjoined this innovative revolutionary significance,at the same time,medical support combined old-age service system which is a specific perspective of current situation and problems of construction in China the city health service system.On the equalization of public health resource allocation and control,this article will research the allocation and control of public health equalization resources.Author describes the history and present situation of the above three areas,so as to grasp the general clue of the allocation of health resources from the historical context and the horizontal structure.The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the problems and reasons of urban basic health resources allocation in China.Along the three basic areas of the third chapter,this paper analyzes the existing problems and causes of the three aspects of urban medical insurance system,medical service system,public health.Analysis of the problems and causes of urban medical insurance system in China,This paper points out that there are institutional fragmentation design and unfair allocation of social medical insurance resources;system barrier,social medical insurance,resource allocation,moral hazard;Voluntary" design defects,the insurance coverage rate is low,different city system,fund compensation difference;medical insurance public-private partnership,total six aspects of fund security problems threatened by growing crises.In the construction of urban medical service system in China,paper analyzes the imbalance existed in the medical institutions layout;health service is insufficient,the profit arising from the public health service lack of high quality health service resource allocation imbalance;structure,the defects and problems of health resource circulation system,medical service profit,the doctor-patient contradiction increasingly sharp five problems.In the field of public health,paper focuses on the analysis of the existence of the lack of state responsibility,construction of public health service system is not perfect,lack of financial support at all levels,public health services supply difficulties,lack of local government support to promote national public health projects,public health at the grassroots level: the tendency to benefit and themechanism is not perfect,lack of health human resources,the development of public health services total five major difficulties.Paper point out the existence of the above problems can be attributed to one point,which is to form a huge obstacle to the justice of urban health resources allocation.It is necessary to solve the problem from two aspects: institutional reform and development of medical and health resources.The fifth chapter concentrates on the question of how to establish the principle of justice in the allocation of urban health resources and how to implement it.This paper points out that the principle of urban basic health resources allocation is the principle of justice,justice is the primary value of society,and therefore is the main principle of urban health resources allocation in china.Here refers to health resources allocation involved in the so-called "basic",in the primary stage of socialism,refers to meet the basic needs of all citizens health: involving citizens daily popular fitness needs(residential or community fitness facilities,sports parks and other open health care facilities(Public Health),preventive health care,health education,preventive vaccination,infectious disease prevention,health examination and etc.)of common diseases,conventional treatment needs.Beyond the basic needs of health care and treatment,such as for special fitness to meet the needs of healthy people in the facilities(such as fitness club,golf course,etc.)and conventional treatment beyond the high-end medical services,has become the basic demand for high-end special or beyond.For special diseases may cause poverty caused by illness,will also be gradually incorporated into the city should cover the basic category of health resource allocation.The principle of justice must be based on the fundamental idea of Marx,to attract a wide range of reasonable resources of Chinese and foreign thinkers on justice thinking,but also give full consideration to Chinese conditions,including: the main body based on the principle of equitable distribution of inclusive;health resource allocation rights based on basic health resources;benefit distribution principle of public goods equalization based on structured configuration differences;"justice,inclined to the most unfavorable principle;high limit principle;create conditions for the gradual elimination of health resource allocation differences,future Datong principle;government allocation of health resources to compliance,legal supervision,accept the universal principle of sunshine seven points.The justice of urban basic health resources allocation needs to consider the main objectives and main path.The main purpose is to protect the people's life and health,to achieve the equalization of basic medical service,the main responsibility to clear the government in the planning,investment,construction,development and Reform in the system of health resource allocation.According to the general health problems,the main health problems and important health problems,the need to allocate health resources.According to the requirements of health services and health services,health services / population ratio to plan the allocation of health resources.In order to achieve the balance of distribution,we must adopt a series of methods,such as the economic basis,the multi equation simulation,the health insurance organization law,the fixed utilization rate method,the forecast utilization method and so on.Effect of health resource allocation.The sixth chapter is about the way to implement the justice of urban basic health resources allocation.This article is still along the medical insurance,medical and health service system and public health three basic path to elaborate.In the medical insurance path problem,this paper focuses on exploring the possibility and necessity of establishing a unified nationwide basic medical insurance system,and points out that it can be tried by two paths: equalization and basic medical insurance + diversified supplementary medical insurance.For the present China,considering the practical ability,this paper tends to the latter.In the construction of medical and health service system,the doctor from the family planning,training and grading clinics,strengthen resource configuration,clear public medical institutions public responsibility,strengthen the construction of the medical conjoined as well as the depth of exploration.In the construction of the public health service system,paper points out how to realize the equalization of basic public health on the basis of increasing investment,perfecting system and strengthening government responsibility.According to the different social characteristics of China at the present stage,we can construct a regional structure of basic equity + fair and equitable allocation of public health resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:City, health resource allocation, justice
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