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Research On Network Coding Aware Routing For Wireless Mesh Networks

Posted on:2014-02-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1228330395984073Subject:Information networks
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wireless mesh network (WMN) consists of stationary backbone nodes is a kind of wirelessself-organizing network. The deployment and maintenance of wireless mesh network are easyand need low cost, while providing high-speed wireless broadband access, which is suitable forwireless metropolitan area network (WMAN) and emergency communications. As apractical-oriented wireless networks, wireless mesh network need routing technologysupporting high throughput and reliability to provide communication service. Network codingallows intermediate nodes to encode received packets. Wireless network coding could reducetransmissions number, improving network bandwidth utilization and transmission reliability.Network coding aware routing for wireless mesh network, introduces network coding intowireless mesh network routing, exploiting the advantage of network coding to enhance theperformance of routing algorithm in throughput, reliability, etc. Therefore, network codingaware routing technology is of great theoretical and practical significance of wireless meshnetworks.First, this dissertation introduces wireless mesh network and network coding, followed bythe classification and synthesis of wireless mesh network routing and network coding awarerouting. Then aiming at the deficiency of existing network coding aware routing in loaddistribution and QoS, this dissertation thorough investigates the problem of load balancingrouting, QoS (Quality of Service) routing, network coding opportunity optimization, multicastrouting and network coding aware routing simulation system of wireless mesh network. Themain work of this dissertation includes the following aspects:(1) Existing network coding aware routings simply take network coding opportunitiesincrease as the single optimization goal, which results in flows congregation in areas withcoding opportunities and uneven load distribution, and degrades the network performance. Thisdissertation proposes Load balanced Coding aware Multipath Routing (LCMR). LCMRanalyzes the failure reason of existing network coding conditions for two uncoded intersectingflows at crossover node and gives network coding conditions for two general flows (uncoded orcoded). Besides, a novel routing metric LCRM (Load balanced Coding aware Routing Metric)is presented based on the idea of cross-layer design, which jointly considers network coding opportunity, node load degree and interference from neighbors. The details of the routediscovery strategy of LCMR routing are elaborated as well. Complexity analysis and simulationresults prove that LCMR achieves a load balancing distribution throughout the whole networkat the expense of a small reduction of the network coding opportunity. Especially in the case ofhigh load, LCMR is able to ensure high throughput and low delay, and suspend the occurrenceof network congestion.(2) Existing network coding aware routing does not provide QoS guarantee, while avariety of businesses in wireless mesh network need QoS services. This dissertation proposesQoS guaranteed Coding Aware Routing (QCMR). QCMR analyzes in detail the relationshipbetween QoS bandwidth constraint and network coding conditions, and gives the networkcoding conditions for two intersecting QoS flows at crossover node. In addition, a novel routingmetric, QCRM (QoS guaranteed Coding aware Routing Metric) is proposed, which jointlyconsiders network coding opportunity, available bandwidth and load of node, and theneighborhood interference. Simulation results demonstrate that QCMR could enable codingaware routing to guarantee the QoS requirements of the routing. Compared with traditional QoSrouting, QCMR is able to save bandwidth resources, admitting more QoS flows into thenetwork.(3) In the scenario that each node knows global information about the network, thisdissertation considers introducing the genetic algorithm into network coding aware routing, andproposes a Genetic algorithm based Coding Aware Routing (GCAR). GCAR exploits geneticalgorithms for joint optimization of routing and coding opportunities of routes. According to theprinciples of network coding aware routing, GCAR analyzes and designs the chromosomerepresentation of coding-aware routing. Besides, GCAR designs a novel fitness functionconsidering coding opportunities, node load and interference. Simulation results demonstrateGCAR could obtain excellent routes within shorter routing setup time.(4) Existing network coding based multicast routing for wireless mesh network exploitonly a kind of network coding. This dissertation proposes Hybrid Coding aware MulticastRouting (HCMR), which combines intra flow network coding and intra flow network coding inmulticast routing. Within each multicast session, intra flow network coding is exploited toimprove the multicast reliability, while among multicast sessions, inter flow network coding isexploited to reduce the number of transmissions and improve transmission efficiency. In order to improve the multicast reliability, HCMR proposes null space based feedback mechanism andnetwork coding based retransmission scheme to minimize the number of feedback transmissionand retransmission. The simulation results show that HCMR achieve significant improvementin efficiency and reliability of data transmission, compared with traditional network codingbased multicast routing.(5) Based on Network Simulator version2(NS2), this dissertation designed andimplemented Coding Aware Routing Extension system for NS2(CARE). According tosimulation requirements of common coding aware routing and routing proposed by thisdissertation, the component structures of Routing Agent, Wireless Node and Packet Header inNS2are extended. Users could choose a certain routing module to simulate based on their needs,which is convinent for the further deeper research and improvements, and reflects the excellentcapability of CARE in universality and expansibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wireless Mesh Network, Network Coding Aware, Routing, Load balancing, Quality of Service, Genetic Algorithm, Multicast
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