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College Study, In The Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2009-02-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360242488395Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The study on Chinese ancient Academy of classical learning is coming into a hot issue in the national academic world,moreover,it is also a research field which is continuously extending,deepening and developing.In this field there are lots of unfound propositions as well as many propositions that remain to be further studyed. For example,the research into the history of Shaanxi local Academy in Classical Learning is not fully systematic and perfect;and the study of correlation between the academy and literary development is fairly rare.This dissertation,by consulting some research achievements about Chinese ancient Academy,makes a verification and arrangement on Shaanxi Academy based on the study and arrangement of the relevent historical materials,and makes a,discussion on the general historical picture and regional character of Shaanxi Academy in the Qing dynasty from the aspects of geographical distribution and history changes,funds collection and management, learning standard and social influence,and also through the analysis of culture background,education knowledge and humanity inheritance makes a specialized description of the special relationship between Academy and literature,as well as the literary inherence of Shaanxi Academy of Classical Learning in the Qing dynasty.The basic viewpoints and analytic conclusions are shown below:1,There are total 218 Academies of Classic Learning in Shaanxi province during Qing dynasty,192 of which are newly built.Same as the national situation,the popularization and development of Academies in Shaanxi excceed in the former dynasties.However,compared with Academies in the developed southern region,the development of Academies in Shaanxi province seems backward.It reflects the fact that the economic and social development in Shaanxi gradually fell behind after the Chinese economic and cultural centers began to move southward since the Song dynasty,it also has the close relationship with the historical backgroud of the frequent wars and contiuous disasters in Shaanxi of Qing dynasty,the conservative thought, and the situation of undeveloped culture and education.2,The Academies,with the functions of learning,discoursing on academic subjects,collecting books,publishing books,offering sacrifices and so on,is a burgeoning educational and cultural organization which coordinates with the traditional private school and the feudal official school,As far as its basic system is concerned,the Academie's organic properties belong to the non-governmental private school.Under the long-term influence of Chinese official educational system on the Academies,as for some specific Academy,its organizational features reflect a mixture of both those of official and private institutions.3,From the inside organization of the Academies,the Academies everywhere in each dynasty have some differences.Nevertheless,in all,their inside organizational setups reflect the common qualities of efficiency and simplification.As for the ordinary Academies,their inside administrative systems,are composed of two big systems:the teaching arid organizing system and the general affairs(logistics) organizing system.The establishment of headmaster's leading position and authority guarantee the relatively independence and free development and the continuous improvement of learning educational standard.4,As the ancient Academies with the quality of running Academies under the non-government circurmstances,funds collesting is the important topic of their management and operation,and the basic guarantee of their development as well. Generally speaking,the Chinese Academies of Classical Learning,especially Shaanxi Academies in the Qing dynasty are of great difficulty and shortance of money.The reform of "Officiallized Academy" conducted by the feudal Chinese government was often started from the financial support.5,The rise of the Confucian school of idealist philosophy(LiXue School)in Song dynasty(an idealist philosophy in Song dynasy),made the Academy of Classical Learning have the spirit and soul,and the system of Academy into mature. The Academy has become an important platform and factor for the development of Chinese ancient learning mentality culture from then on.The chief representatives of the ancient learning in Shaanxi(GuanXue Learning -- the school of Thoughts in Guanzhong area in Shaanxi -- from the creating by ZhangZai since Song Dynasty, Went through Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasty,it carried on and renewed by such a group of masters as XiaoShi,LvRan,CongWu Feng,LiYu,GuYu Liu),its development history has close relationship with the development of the Shaanxi Academy Of Classical Learning.6,Li Yu and Liu Guyu are the two great masters guiding the learning development history of Shaanxi,and promoting the development of Shaanxi Academies in Qing dynasty.Guanzhong Academy,Weijing Academy and Chongshi Academy of Classical Learning which they hosted become the most advanced representative of Shaanxi's academic education development of the Academies in Qing Dynasty.7,Guided by the masters as LiYu.Gu Yu Liu,the learning purport and the style for running Academies followed the traditions of the GuanXue School,with the rescuing of the nation as its objects,and pragmatic teaching and learning as its guiding principle.To sum up,its major academic thoughts lay in the following two aspects:The first is the proposition that learning and teaching should be based on Chinese traditional' classical thoughts;and be pragmatic at the same time by absorbing some western ideas,Second is that education should aim at benefiting the people and rescuing the nation.The creation,renewal and wide spread of the academic thoughts of Shaanxi Academies of Classical Learning,helped to promote the cultural and academic development of Shaanxi;on the other hand,made unforgettable contributions to the creation of the academic thoughts and the fostering of many talents for the modernization of Shaanxi province.8,The combination of the fundamental spirit of the traditional Confusion School and the imperial examination is a common tendency of cultivating talents in Qing dynasty.As for spreading and inheriting the spirit of the traditional Confusion School, the educational idea and the idea of running Academies chiefly display in two aspects: one is to attach inportance to cultivating character and quality of rectifying personality; the other is the practical education. 9,The fundamental teaching construction of Chinese traditional Academy of Classical Learning,similar to the composition of cause and major construction of the modern higher regular college course teaching constructive system,also mainly bases on instructional system to separate various disciplines based on different research orientations and course regulation.Guyu Liu's Setting up four studies sections,such as learning ancient,study section,Seeking aspiration study section,promoting skills study section and so on,and allotting study section teaching,is a typically representative of allotted study Section system of Shaanxi Academy of Classical Learning in Qing dynasty.The act of "The Constitution of Guanzhong Academy"and "Curriculum for Guanzhong Academy",worked out by LiYu when hosting Shaanxi Guanzhong Academy of Classical Learning,are representatives in course construction aspect of the instructive course regulation and self-taught course regulation of Shaanxi Academy of Classical Learning in Qing dynasty10,As for the Academic educational organization in ancient Chinese society, Academy of Classical Learning herited the literature tradition of Chinese traditional culture.The tradition of the Academy in poems shows in its education aspect as well as in the others of its humanities.11,The useful literature notion regarding poetry and prose as a teaching means is the fundamental concept of Chinese traditional culture;literature is the tool and concept of learning as well as the requirement of being a man and the standard of accomplishment.Compared with the study of feudal official learning,the Academy implements the idea and spirit of Chinese traditional culture more fully and consciously.The Academies of Classical Learning through Dynasties in the past,not only established subject namely history poetry,but also designed a lot of concept about literature in teaching design system and other aspects,such as course system and concept,learning regulation,examination,collection,caving and so on.12,The teachers and students in the Academy are the aggregation of the Chinese ancient social traditional literatis,since ancient times,the Academies have been the place the literatis favored or frequently visited.The Academy of Classical Learning converged passel of the famous cultural masters and litterateurs who hosted and teached there.In past dynasties,especially the Academy in Qing dynasty fostered many scholars of generations.13,The figures of the Academy occupy the large proportion in Shaanxi literary circles during Qing dynasty,especially the masters Such as Li Yu,Li YinDou,Wang Xinjing,LuDe and Niu ZhaoLian who as their representatives of the Academic School played the important roles in the literature society of that time.They not merely had the great influence on the literary circles through their academic leading position,but also promoted the literature development through their studys on the literature and art,and their own lituratural writings' practice.14,The documents on Academy of Classical Learning contain a large quanitative of valuable literature heritage.In the documents of Shaanxi Academy except for the above masters' individual collected works related to "Daoism" and monograph,there are still a large number of recordings from the tablets by the men of letters and scholars in defferent regions,which recorded the scenary and humanities of Shaaxi Academy in Qing dynasty with the form of exquisite proses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing dynasty, Shaanxi, Academy of Classical Learning
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