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Lost In The Space Frontier

Posted on:2012-03-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1112330362460319Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the arenas of the outer space, America's space shuttle program emerged in comedy while end in tragedy. Reviewing the social factors of the rise and decline of this big science project of mankind is of great theoretical and practical significances both for the R & D and application policymaking and for the development of philosophical and social science theories.Based on extensive analysis of relative literature, this dissertation investigates the influences of various social factors upon the contents of space shuttle technology and the direction of technological change through case studies from the social shaping of technology perspectives. This dissertation finds that the struggle between NASA and the U.S. Air force as well as the OMB shapes the design of the space shuttle; President Nixon approved the space shuttle program in consideration of presidential election and soaring unemployment; throughout the history of the space shuttle program, there have been typical symptoms of technological lock-in, the essence of which is"self-fulfilling prophecy"; using the"interpretative flexibility"to explore alternative paths of technological development is an effective way of unlocking; the policy wavering on the issues of upgrading or replacing the space shuttle fleet disperse scarce resources, the technological controversies among which fall into 2 categories, one is on issues of values, which has no logical necessary solution, the other is on issues of facts, which may be complicated by the boundary-work in technological practices and the social construction of technological facts; there is no apriori boundary between social and technological problems in the transition of the space shuttle program and all of these problems constitute a seamless web.This dissertation concludes that the rise and decline of the space shuttle program embodies a typical"Apollo Paradigm"which over emphasizes pre-planning and central control and is highly dependent on long term stable and focused political support; the"Apollo Paradigm"is no longer compatible with our times and it is necessary for us to explore a flexible path for the healthy and sustainable development of human spaceflight;"the technological logic"in the history of the space shuttle program has been restricted and negated by various social factors during each step of its expression and"the social expression of the essences of technology"perspective can provide a unified explanatory perspective for technology studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:space shuttle, social shaping, social construction
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