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A Study On Judicial Social Work Intervenes In The Re-socialization Of Criminal Minors

Posted on:2022-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2519306326966209Subject:Social Work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of juvenile crimes has always been the focus of public opinion,the pain point of society,and the difficulty of governance.Because minors' cognitive ability,ability to distinguish right from wrong,and self-control ability are weak,they are one-sided thinking and easy to follow blindly,so the production of criminal behavior has the characteristics of blindness and impulsivity.In view of the characteristics of minors,"education first,punishment second" is a basic principle in the field of juvenile justice in our country.Minors should be given opportunities to reform and return to society,and help minors return to society It has become an important topic of social concern.The newly revised "Minor Protection Law" in 2020 clearly reflects that the state encourages and supports social work to participate in the education and correction of crime-related minors.The concept of "helping others and helping others" and the principle of judicial protection of minors have reached fit.In 2018,various grassroots procuratorates in Zhengzhou began to introduce professional social workers to assist and teach minors involved in crimes,and achieved certain results.In this context,the author has the honor to participate in the judicial social work practice of the People's procuratorate of G district of Zhengzhou,and explores the content,process and methods of social work involved in the education and correction of criminal minors.This article is divided into four parts.The first part mainly introduces the research background and research significance,combing and reviewing the relevant research of judicial and social work at home and abroad,and defining and introducing the core concepts and theoretical basis.The second part mainly elaborates the basis of social work intervention in the juvenile justice field,and introduces the relevant situation of the practical cases based on this article.The third part,through a case,introduces in detail the process of judicial social work intervening in crime-related minors' case services.In the practical process,social workers mainly intervene from five aspects: legal knowledge,Political awareness,self-awareness,professional and academic development,and family support.The fourth part is to sort out the research conclusions and the research finds that social work involving the re-socialization of criminal minors will have a positive impact on the individual,interpersonal,and social levels,but the intervention process of judicial social work will also face difficulties in establishing professional relations,vague role orientation,and the establishment of long-term working mechanism.The conclusion part reflects on the ethical dilemma encountered,makes summary of the entire research process,and prospects for the future development of judicial and social work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Judicial social work, Criminal minors, Re-socialization
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