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Research On Urban Heritage Culture Based On Augmented Reality Technology

Posted on:2022-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306497951699Subject:Digital media
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the concept of digitization has almost covered all walks of life.With the rapid development of digital technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality,the study of digital and urban relic culture has put forward new theoretical requirements and practical challenges to the research of traditional and urban relic culture.On the one hand,for the development of the city,the reconstruction of relics and the restoration of cultural context are beginning to move closer in the form of virtual digital records,and the ideology of the real world is gradually unable to meet people's spiritual needs,which overthrows the traditional display form and the expression of some research conclusions and achievements.In other words,the relic itself can achieve virtual and digital twin through Augmented Reality technology.The advantage of this is to satisfy the sense of substitution that players expect,and to enhance the immersion and interactivity and participatory characteristics that traditional digital means cannot achieve.At present,some existing researches almost ignore these special attributes,so the exploration of historical and cultural relics is a kind of civilization deepening and technological expansion,and it also conforms to the current-oriented development.The research on AR virtual urban relics provides new ideas and new methods for the current urban development,especially the establishment of cultural context and the utilization of relic resources,and also builds a bridge for exploring the relationship between historical human culture and contemporary science,real matter and virtual form.This topic mainly discusses the historical and cultural protection,exhibition and dissemination of AR technology in the aspect of relics.Based on the historical and urban relic culture,this topic explores more display forms of traditional and historical urban relic culture,and uses AR technology to complete the comprehensive display and development of AR historical relic culture.To deal with some of the obvious problems in the digitalization of cultural relic protection in my country,the application of Augmented Reality technology can not only fill in and make up for the gap of the existing urban cultural relic protection technology,but also reflect the importance and theme of the current urban cultural relic protection;Based on the in-depth study of urban historical relic culture,theoretically propose a digital protection system for traditional urban historical relic culture in my country,and summarize its implementation methods and rules;Through the existing Augmented Reality technology,strengthen the protection and dissemination of urban relic culture,so that the audience can more intuitively understand the urban relic culture,make the audience more profound when visiting and experience,and promote the hematopoietic function of tourist attractions!...
Keywords/Search Tags:AR urban heritage, Virtual Reality media communication, Interactive Design
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