With the development of Internet technology,electronic payments have gradually begun to replace traditional cash payments.Electronic wallets provide more convenient payment methods for individuals,businesses,and society.However,electronic wallets have great security risks and many bottlenecks.At the same time,in recent years,with the rise and maturity of blockchain technology,its decentralization,de-risk,and nontampering features have provided new opportunities and prospects for the development of payment wallets.As a leading consortium structure of commercial blockchains,Fabric provides the possibility for faster and more efficient development of enterprise-level blockchain projects.It can simplify the business payment process and create a business trust,transparent,and auditable payment environment.To achieve a more secure and reliable payment wallet.However,Fabric itself does not have tokens and cannot complete payment functions.This paper expands its payment module through smart contracts to provide blockchain payment services for applications.This article combines Fabric with a payment wallet,combines the advantages of Bitcoin and Fabric,proposes a new type of payment wallet solution,expands Fabric’s payment module through smart contracts,and designs and implements an online secure payment wallet based on Fabric.Provide user registration,transfer payment,my Token,Token traceability,bill management,login or payment password modification,account address update,recharge and other functions.Take advantage of the blockchain to solve the problems in the payment wallet.And this payment wallet is used in the cinema ticket purchase application scenario to ensure the security of ticket purchase transactions.This article imitates Bitcoin’s UTXO design Token structure,making the transaction itself both a result and a proof of the transaction,making it easier to trace the source of the token,perfectly solving the problem of replay and double spending in the transaction process,and also improving the privacy of the token,Security and scalability.The transactions(transfer,recharge,etc.)in this article are non-tamperable,which guarantees the accuracy,authenticity,and reliability of Token traceability.This article uses address anonymity technology to complete the transaction,ensuring the privacy and anonymity of the user’s identity.This article manages the user identity certificate through the Fabric CA,and manages the user’s ECDSA digital signature and user certificate user authority management,which prevents the denial of transactions and guarantees the unforgeability and integrity of transactions.This article introduces Outer DB to avoid the performance impact caused by frequent interaction with Fabric.In this article,there is a Token backup under each peer node in Fabric,which improves the security of Token. |