This is an urgent problem how to safely and quickly solve to online consume andpay to fees in campus by the growth of China’s college enrollment year by year andcollege financial management become being is more and more complex. Furthermore,in recent years, all levels of colleges pay more and more attention to the constructionabout campus digitalization. With the rapid popularization of computer networks, inorder to improve the overall level of college management, enhance the college logisticsservice quality, online payment system based on web has become an important part ofthe construction about campus digitalization. In basis of campus network and E-cardsystem, the East Branch of Construction Bank of China decided to build bank&collegesmall E-wallet payment system in cooperation with Fujian Polytechnic of InformationTechnology.According to requirements of the college logistics financial management business.This system functions are as follows: recharging the meal card, paying hydropower,tuition fees, examination fees and others. There are some key problems that should to besolved:1. This system exchange data with third party system.2. The security andconsistency of during exchanging data. Aiming at these key problems, duringdeveloping this project, we apply Socket and Web Service to solve problem aboutexchanging data. This methods and technology is accurate for security of datainteraction. These technology like as signature technology of RsaWithMd5, systemnetwork digital virtual segment and isolation method of double net card are applied tosolve to the security of data transfer between bank and college. Main works aboutdeveloping this project are as follows:1. Systematic analysis of the purpose and significance of developing project,analyzes the development status of related systems, determine main research contents indeveloping the project.2. Analyzing and summarizing key technique and application may be used in thesystem, researching the amount of payment mode between banks and college, andanalyzing the security communication model of important data. 3. Designing scheme of system development, through the data flow diagram, usecase diagram, establishes the system needs analysis documents; system design schemeby using class diagram, E-R diagram and so on, to develop the project test plan.4. Writing the code of system, test system development documentation and code,and continue to improve the function and performance of the system.The results the experimental tests of the project show that: The system completedthe main functions of the system, the running results of the system are correct, meet theproject design targets. This is new cooperation channel that build small E-walletpayment system between bank and college. |