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Research On Personalized Teaching Of High School Ideological And Political Courses

Posted on:2022-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306782997999Subject:Disciplinary teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Personalized teaching is not only a realistic requirement of the development of information technology era,but also an important way to promote the free development of human personality.In the foundation education course reform outline explicitly pointed out: "teachers should respect students' personality,pay attention to individual differences,meet the learning needs of different students,creating can guide students to actively participate in the education environment,stimulate students' learning enthusiasm,cultivate students to master and apply knowledge attitude and ability,make every student can get sufficient development." With the deepening of the new curriculum reform,personalized teaching has become one of the hot words in high school politics.First of all,through the integration of the relevant materials of personalized teaching,clarify the connotation of "personalized teaching","personalized teaching of high school political thought" and other related concepts,and on the basis of the interpretation of Marx's all-round development theory,Confucius "teaching students according to their aptitude" education thought,To further clarify the theoretical basis of personalized teaching of high school ideological and political lessons,and provide solid theoretical support for more accurate understanding and analysis of personalized teaching of high school ideological and political lessons.Secondly,by means of questionnaire and interview method,the current high school thought political lesson,analyzing the present situation and problems of the implementation of personalized teaching from three aspects: before,class,after class to summarize problem,and analyzes the personalized teaching consciousness is not strong,personalized insufficient innovation ability and individualized teaching evaluation is the main reason for the problem.Finally,on the basis of analyzing the problems and causes,combined with the essence of personalized teaching of high school politics,the paper puts forward the perfect strategy of updating personalized teaching concept as the logical starting point,improving teachers' personalized teaching ability as the key,and completing personalized teaching evaluation with multiple standards as the guarantee.This study discusses the personalized teaching of high school ideological and political lessons from two aspects of theory and practice,hoping to provide a new way to explore the personalized teaching practice of high school ideological and political lessons,so that students can gain value guidance while improving their knowledge and ability,and realize the overall development of students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personalized teaching, High school politics, According to their aptitude
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