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The Construction Of Daozhennuo Culture Language Learning Task Group Research

Posted on:2022-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306530986729Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the latest reviewed Chinese Curriculum Standards for Ordinary Senior High Schools(2017),there are two key words stand out,namely “Chinese core quality” and“Chinese learning task group”.The first is the purpose of Chinese learning while the later is the path of Chinese learning.The study of “excellent traditional Chinese culture”runs through the three stages of compulsory,selective compulsory and elective courses.It can be concluded that curriculum standard puts more weight on Chinese excellent traditional culture.The purpose of doing this is to guide students to attach importance to the excellent traditional Chinese culture,study and analyze the phenomenon of traditional culture,and consciously join the ranks of spreading and protecting traditional culture,so as to lay a solid foundation for the promotion of the soft power of Chinese culture.General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward in his important speech upon building a strong socialist culture: “The prosperity of a country or a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture.Without the inheritance and development of civilization and the promotion and prosperity of culture,the Chinese dream cannot be realized.The Chinese nation has created profound Chinese culture,and it will certainly create new glories for it.We must keep to the socialist path of cultural development with Chinese characteristics,carry forward advanced socialist culture,promote the great development and prosperity of socialist culture,constantly enrich the people's spiritual world,strengthen their spiritual strength,and strive to build a strong socialist culture in China.” “We can see from the history of the world,the rise or revival of a nation is often guided by the revival of national culture and the rise of national spirit.The decline and collapse of a nation are often preceded by the decadent national culture and the dispirited national spirit.Culture is the carrier of spirit,and spirit is the soul of a nation.” From General Secretary Xi's two speeches,we can see that Chinese traditional culture has finally ushered in the Renaissance stage,and will no longer be submerged by the flood of history and forgotten by the world.Traditional culture is the gene of a nation.Without the support of traditional culture,a nation will be empty and meaningless,and the people will lack the sense of national identity,national cohesion and national belonging.As a result,when faced with the invasion of the outside world,people are likely to be divided,and they will run away separately in the face of great disaster.After thousands of years of development and accumulation,the Chinese ancestors has left us countless marvelous culture,which need us to discover,identify,inherit,develop,carry forward and strengthen.As a big family with 56 ethnic groups,the territory is vast and the culture is so colorful.In the development of civilization,there are not only exist these well-known cultures that we are familiar with and need to be inherited,but also have some unique excellent local cultures that are worth inheriting.Not only do we need to enhance the confidence,pride and sense of belonging of the Chinese nation but we also are supposed to enhance these great things that grow in our local culture.Everything is made up from small to large,so is culture.We not only have a broad and profound culture,but also have the unique culture of each region,which converges into the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation as we know today.However,compared with the big concept of Chinese traditional culture,local culture is paid very little attention,and even some local cultures are gradually forgotten by people,becoming an irreparable cultural loss.This is not just an isolated phenomenon,but a relatively prominent phenomenon in the cultural circle.Studying a culture which is relatively unknown to people,the gain in material aspects will be relatively less,and is not that conducive to the researchers' reputation building.What is more,because of the lack of protection,some local traditional cultures are scattered,so relative researches are difficult to perform.For many reasons,many distinctive local cultures have been forgotten and gradually disappeared in the long river of history.Today our country is paying more and more attention to the protection and inheritance of traditional culture,therefore local culture get a chance to embrace an advantaged age.Many local governments also begin to take care of their own regional cultural characteristics.As a middle school Chinese teacher who works in a unique regional culture area,I come to realize that I should contribute my own efforts for my hometown in this aspect.Chinese classroom teaching is one of the most effective ways to spread traditional culture.As a Chinese teacher,I am equipped with this unique advantage.Through the classroom to spread the local culture to students is my bound-duty.Students are the future of the nation and the basis of cultural inheritance.If we want to inherit the excellent local culture for a long time,we can only rely on young students,the flowers of our motherland.Let the cultures of various ethnic groups and regions bloom,so that our Chinese culture could stay young forever and well spread to all over the world.The construction of "Chinese learning task group of Daozhen Nuo culture" takes local culture as the core content,and the core problem of the research is how to construct the Chinese learning task group of Daozhen Nuo culture in senior high school Chinese classroom.The Chinese learning task group of Nuo culture combines the requirements of the new curriculum reform and the new curriculum standard to improve the students' Chinese core literacy.In the process of research,we find out the latest Chinese curriculum standards,and clarify the requirements of the curriculum standards for the current Chinese classroom and the generation of Chinese class.By interviewing 500 students and teachers of Daozhen middle school,this paper makes clear the needs of students and teachers' attitude and knowledge of Nuo culture.A large number of materials of learning task group and Nuo culture are searched,and the feasibility of Nuo culture spreading in Chinese classroom is clarified.Through the research of this paper,the Chinese learning task group of Daozhen Nuo culture has been successfully implemented in the Chinese classroom,and both students and teachers have gained something.It has played a positive role in the cultivation of students' Chinese core literacy,broadened students' horizons and ways of thinking,and also made the language teachers of Daozhen middle school have stronger professional ability and richer knowledge reserves.This study has played a positive role in the protection and inheritance of Daozhen Nuo culture,and opened a new chapter for the spread and inheritance of Nuo culture.The paper is composed of four parts: introduction,literature review,text and conclusion,and the text can be divided into four chapters.Introduction: a brief description of the origin and methodology of the researchLiterature review: a review of previous related studies.The first chapter: Daozhennuo Culture Language Learning Task Group.The second chapter: The construction of Daozhennuo Culture Language Learning Task Group.The third chapter:The implementation examples and reflection of the construction of Daozhennuo Culture Language Learning Task Group.The fourth chapter: The construction,implementation and evaluation suggestions of Daozhennuo Culture Language Learning Task Group.Conclusion: To further clarify the purpose and significance of the construction of Daozhennuo Culture Language Learning Task Group.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nuo culture, core quality, Chinese learning task group
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