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Experimental Research On SPARK Curriculum In High School Basketball Teaching Under The Background Of New College Entrance Examination

Posted on:2022-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306530499354Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the quality-oriented education reform,the new college entrance examination policy has also been improved on the original basis,especially the repeated mention of promoting the comprehensive and healthy development of students,which is the starting point and foothold of the new college entrance examination reform,and the real implementation of the people-oriented concept of development.The Ministry of Education issued the relevant curriculum standards mentioned that the requirements of physical education and health courses in high school curriculum can significantly improve students' physical quality and comprehensive quality,emphasizing the implementation of the overall development,improve students' sports ability,healthy behavior and sports morality.High school basketball course as an important required content in high school physical education course,its teaching can better strengthen the students' physique,cultivate the development of students' physical skills.But in view of the current basketball classroom teaching methods in a single,traditional content,can not meet the requirements of the new college entrance examination policy promulgated,the so,how to carry out the scientific education teaching concept,embodied in the new college entrance examination policy "people-oriented" education philosophy,under the background of the current high school basketball teachers in teaching this course a key consideration in the course of content,including the choice of teaching method is a priority consideration.Currently,is a new trend of physical education curriculum reform in various regions of the United States,and its final results have been affirmed by people from all walks of life and education experts,as well as widely concerned by scholars from all walks of life.This paper mainly introduces the application of the US curriculum model to the physical education courses and basketball teaching in high schools in China under the background of the new college entrance examination policy,hoping to further explore the influence of this curriculum on students' comprehensive quality,basketball skills,specific performance of sports learning interest and cooperation spirit.This paper selected120 students in chongqing chaoyang middle school as the research sample,through this course patterns and their associated with related 12 classes of experiment teaching,the analysis by SPSS software to collect the data of samples,the final analysis,it seems,high school basketball teaching of sports into the curriculum teaching is bound to positively influence the teaching results of the final,mainly manifested in the following aspects: 1)SPARK's teaching method can significantly improve students' overall quality.Although both SPARK's teaching method and traditional teaching method can improve students' physical fitness,SPARK's teaching method has a more significant effect,especially in improving students' upper limbs and waist and abdomen ability.2)the curriculum teaching in promoting basketball technology research has shown that the experimental group students grades compared with the control group has obvious advantages,it seems that in the teaching by can more effectively promote students base motion precision,the experimental group in learning hands chest pass and changed hands dribbling technology has great progress.3)Through the basketball teaching in SPARK course mode,the students in the experimental class are more interested in sports learning,while the change of the students in the control class is not significant.4)The students in the experimental class with the teaching method of SPARK curriculum improved significantly in the two aspects of affective performance and cooperative spirit,while the students in the control class showed no significant changes.In addition,it has been proved that the teaching method of SPARK curriculum is conducive to the formation of a good learning atmosphere.Through the subsequent results comparison,it is found that the students in the experimental group are significantly higher than those in the control group.Therefore,it can be seen that the SPARK curriculum helps to develop students' teamwork ability and relevant awareness.Suggestions: SPARK can be promoted and applied in the subsequent practical teaching,but the following aspects should be noted in the practical operation: First,the application of this model should be based on specific sports foundation,cognitive ability and autonomous learning ability;Second,the frequency of the game should be reasonably controlled,and attention should be paid to the summary and reflection in the later stage;Third,attention must be paid to the routine construction of curriculum at the early stage of curriculum implementation.Fourth,to ensure the quality and level of the selection of teaching groups and group leaders.
Keywords/Search Tags:New College Entrance Examination, The curriculum, PE teaching method, High school basketball, Experimental study on
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