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A Study On The Strategies Of Chinese Retelling Teaching In The Middle Grade Of Primary School

Posted on:2022-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306530463404Subject:Primary education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Retelling is a requirement of the New Curriculum Standard and also an important teaching content of the textbooks compiled by the Ministry of Education.It has an important position and function.Chinese retelling teaching is the teaching process of improving students' understanding of the text and training students' expression.Under the guidance of the New Curriculum Standard,teachers set up retelling tasks according to the important difficulties of the text and the students' situation,and guide the students to retell the contents to varying degrees.Retelling teaching can not only improve understanding and expression,improve students' reading skills,but also promote the development of imagination and thinking ability.Therefore,this paper explores retelling teaching as the starting point to explore the strategies to improve the teaching effect of middle grade of primary school Chinese retelling.Underpinned by SLA Theory,Information Processing Theory,and Constructive Learning Theory,the author studies Chinese retelling teaching by adopting methods of literature review,classroom observation,in-depth interview and lesson analysis.Firstly,reviews the relevant literature of retelling teaching and understand the inadequacy of the existing research.Secondly,interprets the retelling requirements of the new curriculum standard,analyses deeply the retelling content,stylistic features,method requirements of textbook and so on,and constructs the retelling teaching requirements for the elementary school.Thirdly,investigates the present situation of retelling teaching and the existing problems and analyses the causes of retelling teaching in primary school by using classroom observation,interview and lesson analysis.This survey took the middle section teachers and students of three primary schools in Chongqing G District as the observation objects.The primary school retelling classroom was observed,combined with teacher interviews to understand and analyze the current situation of retelling teaching in the middle section of the primary school.The results showed that most teachers have their own understanding about retelling and the value of retelling teaching.Retelling teaching and retelling methods are also guided in the classroom,but there are also some problems,such as the retelling target is not specific and operational,students' classroom retelling practice time and opportunities are insufficient,and retelling evaluation lacks diversity and specificity,students retell the expression is not fluent,the use of methods is not skilled.These problems are mainly due to the in-depth study of textbooks by teachers,insufficient attention paid by teachers to retelling teaching,lack of specific examination and evaluation standards for retelling teaching,insufficient lesson preparation by teachers,and lack of level of method guidance.Finally,based on the analysis of the problems and causes,the following retelling teaching strategies are proposed: enhance teachers' retelling teaching concepts and enhance retelling awareness;teachers improve the design of retelling teaching objectives and enhance operability;teachers implement retelling teaching links and optimize method guidance;students improve retelling ability to improve their retelling effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle grade of primary school, Chinese retelling teaching, Instructional strategies, Textbooks prepared by the Ministry
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