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Enlightenment Of Han Yu's Core Literacy And Formation On Chinese Teaching In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2022-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306329456974Subject:Subject teaching
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With the increasing perfection of the concept of core literacy,the new curriculum standard has made clear the core literacy of Chinese discipline,involving language,thinking,aesthetic,culture,four aspects of the content.Early middle school period is the key to the compulsory education stage,the period of the teenagers have a certain understanding and more solid knowledge foundation,also on the course of time is relatively abundant,centering on the core of Chinese literacy teaching can get better development,therefore,should be particularly pay attention to cultivate the students' language core literacy at the beginning of high school.However,in reality,many Chinese teachers in junior high schools do not know very much about the core quality of Chinese,or only have a half-understanding of it.They cannot visualize a student with comprehensive core quality of Chinese in their mind.What does such a student look like? Most language teachers have not a clear vision or conclusion.The abstract things can be implemented concretely,"Chinese core literacy" this statement may not be familiar with many people,but the Chinese nation has a long history,thick culture,abundant talents,never lack of outstanding people with real Chinese core literacy.From the point of view,Han Yu,a writer in the Tang Dynasty,is a classic example.If we regard him as a student,he is a model student based on the teaching of Chinese core literacy.Through the interpretation of Han Yu,we can make clear the excellent achievements in the teaching of Chinese core literacy,and provide some teaching suggestions with visible results for junior middle school Chinese teachers.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction,mainly expatiating the theoretical basis,objective content,literature review and research methods of the study of Chinese core literacy and Han Yu's core literacy and the reasons for its formation.The second part is the interpretation of the content and significance of the Chinese core literacy.It lists some confusing viewpoints for the teachers who do not know the Chinese core literacy,so as to clarify the disciplinary connotation and teaching significance of the Chinese core literacy.The third part is from the perspective of knowing people and discussing the world,taking Han Yu as the research object with complete Chinese core accomplishment,to explore and summarize his life and basic core accomplishment.The fourth part is the core combined with han yu's basic literacy and formation reasons and the actual situation to provide some Suggestions for Chinese language teaching in junior middle school Chinese teaching,mainly from the language,logical thinking,creative writing and cultural inheritance from several aspects to obtain,in order to not too concerned about Chinese core literacy teachers provide some advice and inspiration on the teaching contents and methods,It is hoped that teachers can train students of the new era with more efficient and more strategic methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Yu, Chinese core literacy, Chinese teaching in junior high school
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