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Research On National Security Education For College Students In The New Era

Posted on:2022-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306320454314Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
State security is the basic interest of any sovereign state and an important cornerstone for safeguarding the country and ensuring its people's security.It has always been a "major matter of state".With the deepening of globalization and the adjustment of the world power structure,the connotation and extension of national security are continuously extended.On the one hand,driven by the constant strategic game between major countries,the traditional security situation of domestic political security,homeland security and military security remains grim.On the other hand,in the face of the test of not having a pandemic in a century,non-traditional security such as economic security,information security and biosecurity are increasingly emerging,making China face interlaced security risks,especially the linkage effect of various threats and challenges between traditional and non-traditional security is obvious.College students as the builders of the socialist cause and maintain the national security of effectives,know basic knowledge,has the consciousness of national security,national security has the ability to safeguard national security,in the new era of our country business,realize the comprehensive construction socialism modernization country is of great significance,the university is the place that khalid ents,fosters the talent,is the young people to learn knowledge,growth ability,flying dream,so it is very important to strengthen college students' national security education.National security education to the origin theory of logic is the theory of marxist classical writers text as well as the theory of marxism,especially Xi new era the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics and relevant laws and regulations requirements,which contains rich content about the national security education thoughts,to work for the new era of college students' national security education provides theory to follow.At present,many colleges and universities have insufficient understanding of national security,and the awareness,content and means of national security education lag seriously behind the needs of national security strategy.Coupled with the new era of college students for more after the "00",due to long-term live in peace and stability and material life greatly rich social environment,the rational thinking and identification ability is not strong,lack of crisis consciousness,the lack of sharp in the face of threats to national security thought resolution and value judgment,both affect individual allround development,also hinders the construction of a great modern country.Therefore,how to strengthen the national security education of college students and build an iron wall to safeguard national security is a major issue in front of us.In general,the current situation of college students in safeguarding national security is positive,but there are still some problems,mainly manifested as: first,the content of college students' national security education is not comprehensive,the goal is not clear;Second,the national security education method for college students is single and the effectiveness is not high;Thirdly,teachers have misunderstanding and shortcoming in national security education.Fourth,college students are not active in learning national security knowledge and their awareness of national security is weak.The reasons lie in three aspects: first,the government does not have a good understanding of strengthening the education of college students' national security awareness;Second,colleges and universities do not pay enough attention to national security education for college students.Third,college students have a bias in improving their awareness of national security.Entered the new era,college students' national security education must be guided by the overall national security concept,around realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the history of the Chinese dream of theme,on the basis of the maintenance national security strategic task,with solid basic knowledge,a strong sense of national security,national security,strong ability of safeguarding state security,the era of the couple.According to the needs of The Times and the personality characteristics of college students,national security education should focus on three dimensions: first,the government should enhance the understanding and play a leading role;Second,the school should pay more attention to and play the main role;Third,college students should correct the cognitive deviation in the formation of national security awareness and play an active role.
Keywords/Search Tags:New era, National security, National security education for college students
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