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Research On Miao Changqi, A Literati In Jiangyin In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2022-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306722974689Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Miao Changqi(1562-1626),is named Xixi,posthumous name Wenzhen,Jinshi in the forty-first year of Wanli(1613),He,Zhou Shunchang and some other famous persons were called "the seven sons of the Donglin Party",which is an important part of the Miao family in Jiangyin.Member,He wrote "Maunscripts from Yetang","Bingchen Recording","Jiuying Recording","Four Books Jiuding","Zhouyi Jiuding",etc,have an important status in the history of the late Ming Dynasty.The current research on Miao Changqi mainly focuses on the historical level and explores the his accomplishment of being a member of Donglin Party in politics,and Miao Changqi himself was also quite accomplished at literature.Chen Biqian called Miao Changqi a essay "At the time,it was a little meaningless,unexpected,and an ancient Chinese word.It is innocent,not falling behind the predecessors" [Chen Biqian: "Preface to " Congyetang Preface "",see the head of "Changzhou Sage's Suicide NoteˇCongyetang Preface".].Ye Xianggao also commented on his article: "Integrate the subject matter,explain the essence,its intention is beyond the dust and vulgarity,and it is enough to be transported,and it is not curious in the Shengmo,so it is high-quality." [Miao Changqi: "Miao Wenzhen Gonghui Examination" Zhu Juan,typographical version of Guihai(1923)of the Republic of China.],Based on the limited research on Miao Changqi's literary content nowadays,this article aims to conduct a comprehensive and systematic study on his works,views and thoughts in literature.In addition to "general introduction","introduction","conclusion" and "appendix",this paper is divided into six chapters.These six chapters are "Miao Changqi 's pedigree,life textual research"(chapter 1),"Miao Chang period friends research"(chapter 2),"Miao Chang period works" from Yetang save manuscripts "(chapter 3),"Research on Miao Changqi's ideas"(chapter 4),"Research on Miao Changqi's literary creation"(chapter 5),"Research on the cultural significance of Miao Changqi's literary"(chapter 6).The first chapter introduces Miao Changqi's pedigree and his life,mainly investigating the surname and origin of the ancestor of the Miao clan in Jiangyin,sorting his main famliy members,as well as studying the deeds and mental attitude of the four stages of his life.When he was at school,he was a budding scholar,who displayed excellent literary talents in literature;in his youth,due to the family troubles of the Miao family,Miao Changqi had to undetake the familial responsibilities,and began to make a living through teaching,and the students from different places came and followed him were responsible for studying in the school;On his study tour,Miao devoted most time to friendship,landscape,studying visits and buddhism after his failure in several imperial examinations.At last,he won the laurels in civil examinations.When Miao was involved in politics,he persisted in fighting against the Eunuch Faction in spite of the special background of Late Ming Dynasty.Finally,he was killed,but his iron-like inflexibility and integrity survived.This chapter mainly explores the influence of many factors such as Miao Changqi's life experience,character formation and academic thoughts to show Miao Changqi's unique character image in multiple dimensions.The second chapter systematically classifies and summarizeswhom Miao made friends with and their friendship.Through Miao Changqi's,I intend to explore the positive influence of his friends on his view on politics,life and creation.Because of the large number of His friends,And I mainly discussed the persons whose names,birthplaces and participation in imperial civil examinations can be found out,and I mainly discussed the persons whose names,birthplaces and participation in imperial civil examinations can be found out,For Miao's special party identity,I set a special section to elaborate on his friendship with Donglin party members.His friendships with other non-Donglin party members are divided into three categories.They are his contacts with the officials,friends,students and his relatives.The influence of Gu Xiancheng,Gao Panlong and other Donglin Party members on his political thought and literary creation concept was investigated when I explored Miao's friendship;The collision of literary viewpoints in Ming Dynasty was reproduced from the contacts between Miao Changqi and Qian Qianyi,Quan Zhongdao and Zhong xing;The influence of political officialdom on Miao Changqi's life can be seen from the contacts between Miao,Feng Congwu and He Shijin.The third chapter sortss the extant versions of Maunscripts from Yetang,circulation and the collection of Miao Changqi's works.And it also makes a detailed supplement to the editions and sources of Yetang's manuscripts to provide reference for the further study of Miao Changqi and Yetang's manuscripts."Maunscripts from Yetang" was published four times: The first edition was printed in Ming Dynasty Chongzhen Ding Chou(1637).Miu Changqi's eldest son,Miu Xubai,compiled it into eight volumes of poems and essays naming it Maunscripts from Yetang and made it published.So far,it is the most abundant monograph of Miao's which survived for the longest time.The third edition was printed in Tongzhi Jiaxu(1874),the 10 th generation of Miao Changqi,Miao Zhirongg re-ordered eight volumes of poetry.The fourth edition was printed in the 21 st Year of Guangxu(1895).Sheng Xuanhuai in Wujin checked the common points and differences of Yongzheng edition and Tongzhi edition based on Chongzhen edition..Since Qing Dynasty,there have been as many as 17 printed types of Manuscripts from Yetang,and the main differences are volumes,type setting and the number of the words.The fourth chapter studies Miao Changqi's political views,family education and creation views,which provides support for us to study his literary thoughts and the formation of his characteristics.As a person who abides by the tradition of Confucian culture of loyalty and righteousness,Miao Changqi showed progress in his political concept.Miao Changqi hoped to restrict the royal power with public opinion and to resist the violence of the imperial power with public opinion,which influenced the ideas of Huang Zongxi and others.Ideological proposition.In his later years as an official,Miao Changqi thought that inheritance and development were important issues for a family.Therefore,he constantly permeate his concept of family education in his letters with his children,hoping that his descendants can be diligent and thrifty in the aspects of ethics,filial piety and education,reasonable words and deeds,and self-cultivation.Respectful in words and deeds and diligent and thrifty in cultivation.Finally,under the background of the Donglin school and the literary creation of the late Ming Dynasty,Miao Changqi put forward his own special insights on the concept of creation,and believed that the creation of literary should pursue practical application,Expressing true feelings,being innovative,concise and clear.Not only does it had the characteristics of the cultural trend of thought in the Ming Dynasty,but also reflected the cultural demands of the literati at that time.The fifth chapter makes a detailed study of Miao Changqi's poems,essays and letters.On the one hand,Miao Changqi's poems are diverse in content,involving all aspects of life,focusing on expressing daily life;the style and appearance of poetry tends to be emotional and dilute the nature.The poetic style tends to show his deep feelings and inner peace.On the other hand,Miao Changqi's imperial edicts and rescript essays are elegant and solemn,gentle and polite,with concise and clear language;The poetic style tends to show his deep feelings and inner peace.On the other hand,Miao Changqi's imperial edicts and rescript essays are elegant and solemn,gentle and polite,with concise and clear language.Proses about the politics shows sharp points of view,uses reasoning well,and presents its magnificent momentum.And his sequence proses are simple and practical.;Character dissemination focuses on the use of historical biography,commentary,and outlines the character and ideological qualities in historical events.In addition,there are many existing works of Miao Changqi's ruler slips.These ruler slips are rich in content and show the content of Miao Changqi's thoughts.Which includes the discussion of national military affairs,but also to the personal experience of the words,as well as the sufferings of the people's livelihood sympathy.Because of its privacy characteristics,the ruler is more authentic,showing the image of Miao Changq's profound knowledge and noble integrity.By dividing and studying the genres of Miao Changqi's literary creation content,we can more intuitively know the influence of his creation concept on his literary works.The sixth chapter investigates the significance of Miao Changqi's literary culture and finds out the inheritance significance of Miao Changqi's political ideas and literary creation.As a member of Donglin Party,Miao Changqi occupies important historical value,status,and literary significance.The study of Miao Changqi is conducive to the deepening of the study of donglin literature.It can not only be seen that the Donglin party members made suggestions and suggestions to the unreasonable situation of the court through the way of Qing Dynasty discussion and party administration,but also the situation that the Donglin party members educated the students through lectures based on the Donglin academy,which can also supplement the literature research of Gao Panlong and Zuo Guangdou.At the same time,the works of Miao Changqi also reflected the literary style of the late Ming dynasty,from which we can see that the Ming dynasty literature emphasized the subject consciousness and the pursuit of literary creation.His research also deepens the depth of the literature and culture of the Miao family in Jiangyin and promotes the breadth of the regional culture and family research in southern Jiangsu.Through the above research on Miao Changqi,we can find that Miao Changqi is not only the representative of the Miao family literature and culture in Jiangyin,but also the potential influence promoter in the south of Jiangsu culture.Its literary activities,literary creation and literary thoughts played an important role in the course of literature research in the late Ming Dynasty.At the same time,through the study,we can find that there were a large number of scholars in Jiangyin region and even Jiangnan region at that time who are worthy of our academic attention.For example,some figures of Donglin Party and Donglin School need to continue to expand and deepen their understanding.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Jiangyin, Miao Changqi, Literature, Donglin School
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