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Research On The Inheritance And Transformation Of Wu Li's Landscape Painting

Posted on:2022-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306323485554Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a traditional literati painter and one of the six schools in Qing Dynasty,Wu Li was in the background of the change of the change of the generation and the introduction of western learning to the east.The change of social ideology,Western cultural forms once again impacted traditional cultural forms,and caused a huge change in social values and human ideology at that time.Under the influence of Western learning,Wu Li also changed from a traditional literati painter to Catholicism.Priest.Wu Li is a traditional literati painter at this stage.This change of identity and the influence of the times have brought new expressions to the change and development of Wu Li's paintings.The painting art of Wu Li was in a period when the style of imitation of the ancients prevailed.The features of landscape paintings were based on antiques,but the antiques of Wu Li were not limited to ancient methods,and formed their own features on the basis of antiques.This article takes the inheritance and changes of Wu Li's landscape paintings as the research point.First of all,the antique landscape paintings of the early Qing Dynasty are used as the basic reference of Wu Li landscape paintings,and the similarities and differences between the two are analyzed.Secondly,it discusses the historical background of the inheritance and change of Wu Li's landscape paintings,starting with the evolution of beliefs,the import of Western culture and the experience of going to Macau to learn Taoism.Then analyze the specific performance of Wuli landscape painting inheritance and change,first analyze the inheritance of Wuli landscape painting,from the inheritance of Song Dynasty paintings,the inheritance of the four schools of the Yuan Dynasty,the learning of painting from the two kings,and the absorption and inheritance of Western learning.Start to explore the origin of Wu Li's painting method.Secondly,it analyzes the new changes in Wu Li's landscape paintings,starting with the analysis from the perspectives of the expression of the picture's trend toward realism,the creation of a sense of spatial depth,the gradual change of colors and the religious plot reflected in the picture,and discusses the changes in Wu Li's landscape paintings.Through the understanding of Wu Li's landscape painting changes,we can understand Wu Li's inheritance more clearly,and discover the trade-offs he made in the inheritance,and have a clearer understanding of Wu Li's landscape paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Li, landscape painting, Inheritance, Transformation
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