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Research On Xi Jinping's Green Development Concept

Posted on:2022-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2511306527467464Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of green development is the core concept of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought.This concept has fully absorbed the discussion of the relationship between man and nature by the classic Marxist writers,inherited the insights of ancient Chinese sages on the relationship between man and nature,combined with the trend of the development of the times,and finally formed Xi Jinping's concept of green development is of great guiding significance for us to achieve our strategic goals.Xi Jinping's concept of green development is a major innovation of Marxism.It has major theoretical and practical results.It is also a major contribution to the concept of foreign green development.At the same time,it is also an important theoretical guide for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.This article uses comparative analysis methods,literature research methods,logical analysis methods and other methods to interpret the article,and in-depth study the domestic and foreign background,theoretical origin,main content,practical approach and time value of Xi Jinping's green development concept.This article is composed of six parts.The first part is the introduction.It starts with the research significance of Xi Jinping's green development concept,discusses the development trends at home and abroad,and finally discusses the innovations of the article.The second part is the background of Xi Jinping's concept of green development.The domestic background mainly discusses the serious destruction of the environment in the early stage of economic development in my country,and the international background focuses on the destruction of the ecological environment after the industrial revolution and the consensus of human development.The third part is the theoretical origin of Xi Jinping's concept of green development.This part is divided into three small parts,which are based on the classics of Marxism,excellent traditional culture and the contributions of previous leaders to green development.The fourth part analyzes the main content of Xi Jinping's green development concept through the analysis of the multiple relationships between man and nature.The fifth part is the practical way of Xi Jinping's concept of green development,through the legal protection and social assessment system,combing and absorbing the practice of green development concept.The sixth part is the exposition of the era value of Xi Jinping's green development concept,which is interpreted from two aspects: theoretical value and practical value.The seventh part is the conclusion.Xi Jinping's concept of green development has clear goals and distinct characteristics of the times,and is also scientific and in line with the trend of the times.At the same time,it also contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solving the worldwide ecological crisis.Human beings have never stopped thinking and exploring the relationship between man and nature.These practices and explorations have enriched the predecessors' thinking on the relationship between man and nature,and based on the theoretical basis of the predecessors,they have created a trend of their own times and have distinctive characteristics Guiding ideology.The same is true for the concept of green development.He adapts to the general trend of world development and also conforms to the requirements of China's contemporary economic and social development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green development, Traditional culture, Chinese wisd
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