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Research On The Changes Of Tianjin's Clothing Style Under The Interaction Between Urban And Rural Areas In Modern Times Application

Posted on:2022-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306527980049Subject:Art and Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Before modern times,Tianjin's economic status was higher than its political status because of its geographical location and the prosperity of traditional industry and commerce,which laid a certain material foundation for the development of the city.However,due to the political relationship of "integration" between urban and rural areas in ancient China,urban and rural areas were jointly established on the basis of natural economy with agricultural civilization as the main body.There was not much difference between urban and rural areas in Tianjin,and the influence and attraction of cities on rural areas was relatively weak.There was not much interaction except for food and basic means of production and living.After the opening of Tianjin port in modern times,foreign culture,including clothing culture,began to exert a subtle influence on Tianjin.As a result,Tianjin developed from Hekou port along the river into an international seaport city.The change of river sea relationship expanded the economic influence of the city and formed a regional urban system with Tianjin as the center.Tianjin affected the surrounding villages and districts through regional interaction It also promotes the economic development and social changes of the surrounding villages.First of all,the changes of modern Tianjin urban clothing business center and the establishment of concession affected the style,color and shape of urban clothing."Tianru movement" and "Tianzu movement" also promoted the change of urban clothing thought.The social background of the intersection of China and foreign countries and the open atmosphere made Tianjin's clothing style show the characteristics of integration of China and the West.The change of clothing style not only promotes the emergence of new clothing industry,promotes the development of urban industry and commerce,but also widens the city's market,expands the regional influence,and lays the foundation for the interaction between urban and rural areas.Under the influence of the city,the rural areas around Tianjin were forced to break away from the natural economic system,and the agricultural products tended to be commercialized.On the one hand,the production and economic life of the rural areas depended on the city,on the other hand,they had to meet the needs of the city.As a result,the situation of clear barriers between urban and rural areas in ancient times was changed,and the economic interaction was established.Under the premise of the interaction between urban and rural areas,the clothing of the rural gentry also appeared westernization,and had the characteristics of Chinese and Western parallel.Secondly,the change of modern Tianjin transportation mode and the formation of new transportation network increased the content of urban-rural interaction and expanded the scope of regional interaction.The new transportation network composed of railway and sea transportation has expanded the economic hinterland of Tianjin,made Tianjin the economic center of the north,and brought a large number of population migration to the city.This resulted in the close interaction between urban and rural areas in Tianjin and the long-distance interaction between Tianjin and other urban areas.The content of the interaction included a large number of clothing raw materials,fabrics,clothing,ideas and technology.These interactions strengthened the connection between regions,changed the almost one-way circulation mode between urban and rural areas in ancient times,and broke the conservative and closed economic form of rural areas and the development trend of natural economy Local and parochial,so that the countryside under the influence of the city had a certain clothing changes.But at the same time,this kind of interaction was extremely unbalanced because of the ideological and economic differences between urban and rural areas.Thirdly,Tianjin's economic development and social changes promoted the emergence of new occupations,and the upsurge of private school reform movement and the creation of new schools,which had cultivated a large number of new talents and became the main force to promote the changes of urban clothing style.The emancipation of mind and body promoted the emergence of urban women's fashion consciousness and the emergence of women's rights,which was reflected in women's views on career,family and marriage,and facilitated social customs.The great transformation of the city made the gap between the city and the countryside increase,and the city and the countryside move towards opposite ends.As a result,when the style of urban clothing was characterized by openness and diversification,the changes of rural clothing were slow and lagging behind.Finally,Tianjin attracted a large number of immigrants,including foreign immigrants in the concession and immigrants from other domestic cities and surrounding villages.On the one hand,these immigrants increased the content and frequency of regional interaction and provided a large number of labor force for Tianjin.On the other hand,it was also a bridge for the urban "west style spreading to the east" and a disseminator for the rural "city style spreading to the countryside".It was one of the important reasons for the integration of Chinese and Western culture,the interaction of urban and rural clothing features in Tianjin.After the opening of Tianjin port in modern times,the interaction between urban and rural areas has different characteristics.This regional interaction not only makes the regional connection more diversified,but also makes the relationship between regions change.It breaks the barrier between rural and urban areas and shortens the distance between urban and rural areas.Therefore,the formation of Tianjin's urban and rural open and diversified mixed clothing style not only has the factors of Sino foreign exchange,but also has the factors of urban and rural interaction.The change of Tianjin's clothing style under the interaction between urban and rural areas in modern times is the epitome of China's modern clothing changes,which is a new perspective for the study of modern clothing history.At the same time,the change of clothing reflects the development of Tianjin modern city to a certain extent.This kind of clothing style which can reflect the characteristics of the times and has the characteristics of the integration of China and the West also has an important enlightening significance for contemporary clothing design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tianjin clothing style change, urban-rural interaction, urban-rural relationship, research and application
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