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The Application Of Myth In Cultural And Creative Jewelry

Posted on:2022-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,cultural and creative industries are prevailing,and all kinds of products inspired by Chinese traditional elements are gradually coming into people's view.The jewelry industry is not willing to lag behind.Many independent designers and IP manufacturers are actively studying to integrate cultural and creative ideas into their jewelry products.Myth,as the representative of Chinese culture,runs through the development of Chinese national civilization.Its aesthetic characteristics are very social.For example,as one of the most representative stories in Chinese folk mythology,Chang'e steals medicine and rushes to the moon.With the development of modern society,people's understanding of Chang'e's story has been constantly extended and adjusted,which makes the myth of Chang'e's flying to the moon gradually communicate the story of being a God and a human.At the same time,with the integration of the belief of Chang'e and the folk custom of Mid Autumn Festival,the image of Chang'e has been widely concerned and loved by people.Taking the story of Chang'e flying to the moon,one of the Chinese myths,as an example,this paper extracts the mythological elements for creation as the starting point,and studies the expression of modern aesthetic concepts in jewelry design.This paper is divided into six parts:The first chapter is the introduction,which mainly describes the background of the main topics of this paper,defines the basic purpose and importance of this article,and briefly describes the content and research methods.The second chapter is divided into two parts,the first part of the definition of cultural and creative jewelry made a clear explanation,the cultural and creative jewelry in the cultural and creative products.The second part studies the design mode of cultural and creative jewelry,collects the problems existing in the design of cultural and creative jewelry,and provides experience and lessons for future design.The third chapter makes a simple summary and overview of Chinese mythology.This paper studies the development and evolution of the myth and legend of Chang'e to the moon by comprehensively using the archaeological materials and historical documents in the process of myth development.This paper studies the meaning of the multiple prosperity of Chang'e to the moon caused by the continuous integration of the concepts of longevity,son seeking,human relations and morality,and explores the ways and forms of expression of Chang'e to the moon in the fields of folk art,arts and crafts,literary works,performance works and Science,and demonstrates in detail how the concepts of Chang'e to the moon are expressed in artistic aesthetics.The fourth chapter draws lessons from the new techniques of excellent mythological jewelry creation at home and abroad,analyzes the design elements of cultural and creative jewelry,and explores the application of the myth of Chang'e to the moon in the application of modeling pattern,color reference and artistic conception in the design of cultural and creative jewelry.The fifth chapter analyzes the creative expression techniques of mythological jewelry by refining and analyzing the mythological theme of Chang'e to the moon.To determine the future development direction of cultural and creative jewelry with mythological elements.With jewelry as the carrier,the design practice of Chang'e rushes to the moon is created.The sixth chapter summarizes the research conclusions.To sum up the above research,and then analyze the development direction of myth jewelry,and strive to provide ideas for the relevant designers,which can have a certain inspiration value for the design of cultural and creative jewelry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Myth, Cultural Creativity, Chang'e flying to the moon, Jewelry
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