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ICT Industry Integrated Curricula: Towards an Ontology Based Competency Mode

Posted on:2018-04-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Qatar University (Qatar)Candidate:Zainal, Alanood Abdulaziz Ali MohamedFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390020956512Subject:Computer Science
As technology advances rapidly, the ever changing industry needs for skills and competencies keeps changing in efforts to seize the nearest competitive advantage. This creates a great burden on higher education institutions to accurately be able to supply what the industry currently demands. Understanding and analyzing the gap between the supplied and demanded competencies has been always a topic of debate and research between both domains of knowledge. In this thesis, we have proposed developing an ontology that would help in identifying the gap between the employee and occupation competencies. The objective is to be able to generate the gap analysis utilizing the ontology and provide users with information that would help them in gaining more knowledge about the domain and taking informative decisions based on facts. Two separate ontologies representing classes and object properties of the Education and the Industry domain were successfully modeled. The validation shows that the ontology correctly classifies the employees as Fit or Un-fit to the set of occupations they applied for according to the competency gap analysis. Future work will involve experts validating the results of the ontology from the domain of knowledge point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ontology, Industry
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