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San Diego State University iOS library resource application

Posted on:2017-10-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Diego State UniversityCandidate:Choksi, Abhishek CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390014997225Subject:Computer Science
The world's ever-growing population has led to an increased demand for information resources. In the bygone era, just getting your hands on the resources was a tough enough task. The modern challenge is locating resources quickly and comparing the available choices. In the case of a book one might try a local library, the SDSU library, Amazon or E-bay.;As a Master's student at San Diego State University, I was always faced with a challenge to acquire a book needed for the course, which quite frustrated me. Going through this hassle over and over again eventually gave me an idea of creating an easily accessible app for the resources of the library as a great solution to this issue. A comprehensive app has been developed in this thesis, keeping in mind the accessibility and ease for the students to get their hands on the required resources. The user can view all the available books, digital content, eBooks, articles and journals present at the SDSU library, at any time, using an iPhone. The app also contains many other features such as information about library staff, hours of operation of the library, viewing of all the planned news and events of the library, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Library, Resources, App
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