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Clarity through the blur: An equivocal reading of Numbers 25:1--18

Posted on:2015-09-24Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:New Orleans Baptist Theological SeminaryCandidate:Burnham, Joshua NFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017494622Subject:Biblical studies
The purpose of this dissertation was to provide a close literary reading of Num 25:1-18 in order to add clarity and depth to the narrative unit with the expectation that this close examination would resolve surface textual inconsistencies in the passage. The thesis for this study was that employing an equivocal analysis on the Sin of Baal Peor pericope (Num 25:1-18) would affirm that the narrator used literary gapping and ambiguity as narrative devices that brought literary unity to the passage. The first methodological step in the research was a prima facie recognition of an equivocal text including the history of interpretation and historical-critical analysis. The second research action was a close equivocal reading of the biblical text, which included thematic analysis and other equivocal characteristics evidenced within the entire passage. This second phase involved an equivocal reading of the two subunits of the text (25:1-5 and 6-18) to evaluate tension that occurred between these individual units, and microelements, which integrated attention given to aesthetic devices, grammar, syntax, narrative viewpoint, and other narrative conventions established within the passage.;The third and final methodological step in the research was the evaluation and application of data that demonstrated how equivocation gives a sharp focus to the narrative by blurring other peripheral elements in the story. First, Num 25:1-18 reiterated the dreadfully sinful condition of Israel. In the face of the overwhelming covenant love of Yahweh, the community behaved with unashamed unfaithfulness and contempt. A second clarifying theme counteracted the apostasy of Israel. Combined with the theological thread in Balaam, God continued to bless his congregation. The theme of blessing spotlighted the faithfulness of the few rather than the apostasy of the many. A third overarching focus within the text highlighted that Yahweh alone was the chief character in the story. Regardless of communal upheaval and betrayal, the Lord did not neglect to act upon his holiness and unfailing love.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reading, Num
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