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Strategic Evolution of Fitness and Imitation in Spatial Games

Posted on:2016-04-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Hallman, Paul DFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017470311Subject:Speech communication
This thesis will look at strategic evolution of fitness and imitation using the prisoner's dilemma and the game of chicken. The prisoner's dilemma and the game of chicken will be talked about in-depth as well as what fitness and imitation games are, leading to our study about fitness games and imitation games. We will discuss the surrounding literature of these two strategies that are played. We are using eight strategies and using them in a fitness game and an imitation game. Then we will be using five network structures for the imitation condition to see how the strategies react and respond. We then discuss the results of the study and compare to see how the two different styles of cooperation (fitness and imitation) and their strategies behave. We show the results and discuss them allowing us to see if there is any difference in-between the two strategies of cooperation.;Keywords: prisoner's dilemma, game of chicken, fitness, imitation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Imitation, Fitness, Strategic evolution, Prisoner, Dilemma, Strategies
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