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The Methodology of Detail to Tectoni

Posted on:2017-05-17Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Zhang, FulanFull Text:PDF
The dichotomy between architectural conceptions and executions has been started since the architects were severed from the construction role since modern period. The architectural school education further emphasizes this deviation between conception and executions. This is due to the conventional over evaluating conception to executions and the lack of understanding the relationship between constructions and details.;The insufficient understanding constructions and details led to the uncertainty of accomplishing design conception, the gap between the concept and the final executions generated control problems and deprived the power of architects. This impairing of control power of architects in projects further weakened the original design prediction and impeded the maturity of an architect.;The modern techniques developed architecture to a more and more various discipline, made it impossible to be grasped all the design skills by one person, the collaboration of different divisions of architecture was inevitably became the way to handle the complexity of the architecture. However, the emphasis on efficiency and cooperation led the individual architects' lack of comprehensive view of architecture. In most cases architecture is no longer the artworks of architects but the products of architectural firms.;Based on the problems that mentioned above, my essay tries to find a way to combine the conception and executions together to understand architecture in a holistic way. Specifically my essay focuses on details design. By summarizing the principle of essential details to solve the confusions. By gradually elaborate between conceptual and the realization of the architectural design, from structure type to details based on different materials, comparing how different materials meet and other alternative possibilities. Generally speaking, this essay is trying to find a method to design a building with enough details in an early design stage.;The method with will approach with several steps. The first step is to category details based on different material structures. It will focus on discussing with wood structure, masonry and steel structure; it's the starting frame of a building. Then based on the frame system, the details well are further elaborated in different relationships: Materials and structures, materials and building code, materials and materials to generalize typical facade cladding and details. These details conclude processing will serve to the primary working flow and further understanding of the design process from details transcend tectonic methods.;Based on the research topic to explore the structures and details, the thesis project will be a relatively small building which contains as much as materials and structure types it can. The project will be an elementary school information center. It will provide the building the characteristic of an institution by applying the materials and structures forms. This relatively small and straightforward building will provide mainly two structures, which are steel structure intertwined with wood structure. How the structures express themselves in different characters and how details related to the structure will help to explain the design idea and process.;By using the methods that generalized above, it will show the process of integration of architecture details and performance. Should the materials have their expression characters or should the materials can be shaped into the buildings' expressions served as toolkit?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Materials, Details, Building, Executions, Architects, Conception, Architectural
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