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Electromagnetic energy transmission through optical wave guides

Posted on:1993-10-08Degree:M.S.En.EType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Winter, James MFull Text:PDF
This research project investigates variables that affect the transmission of visible electromagnetic energy through optical wave guides 16.5 centimeters long. The light source was a 1000 watt slide projector. The transmitted energy was detected by a photodetector in an integrating sphere and by the temperature rise of a black body absorber.; A silicone glass rod with polished ends transmitted 71% of the light available. Increasing the diameter from 1.9 to 2.4 centimeters of a tube with a reflective film insert improved the light transmission from 55% to 66.5%. An 8.4 centimeter long tube had the transmission improved from 29% to 37% by adding a cone concentrator with a 27{dollar}spcirc{dollar} apex angle, and a reflective film insert. Hollow conductors with square, rectangular, and star shaped cross sections did not improve the conducting capacity over that of a round tube with the same area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transmission, Energy
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