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Social Support for Survivors of Natural Disasters: A Narrative Therapy Approac

Posted on:2019-03-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaCandidate:Domingos, JamieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2471390017988190Subject:Counseling psychology
The purpose of this paper was to propose a social support counseling group for young adult survivors of natural disasters. The prevalence of natural disasters and long term environmental and mental health effects in the community are discussed, as well as frequency of posttraumatic stress symptoms in young adult survivors. A review of literature documents the use of narrative therapy as an effective way to treat posttraumatic stress symptomology in young adults, and the significance of social support on survivor's recovery. The proposed 10 session narrative therapy counseling group is designed to support young adult survivors, directly effected by a natural disaster in their community. Group members are empowered to re-author their traumatic narrative, employ pre-existing strengths, and to build a sense of connectedness, with the goal of limiting lost lasting mental health challenges.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social support, Natural disasters, Survivors, Narrative therapy
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