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Pediatric nonurgent emergency department use: Insurance status and usual source of care

Posted on:2004-09-08Degree:M.S.NType:Thesis
University:Texas Tech UniversityCandidate:Darling, Amanda McReynoldsFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011470597Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of a pediatric population accessing an emergency department (ED) for nonurgent health care needs. The variables of insurance type (private, public or uninsured) and usual source of health care were examined for significant differences in relation to nonurgent pediatric ED use. Insurance has been cited as the major factor in determining access to health care and whether children have a usual source of care. Significant proportional differences were discovered between variables of insurance status and usual source of care and pediatric nonurgent ED use. The use of the ED for nonurgent pediatric health care increases health care costs, contributes to overcrowding, shifts care away from patients with more urgent needs and decreases the quality and continuity of care given to children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Care, Pediatric, Nonurgent, Insurance, Source
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