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Fiber optic current sensor network

Posted on:1998-05-05Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Goyal, SandeepFull Text:PDF
With the commercial use of optical current sensors becoming a reality it will be highly beneficial for many applications if multiple sensors can be networked and have a single transceiver unit. An all fiber optic current sensor network is developed which uses a single detection scheme for current sensing.;Several network topologies and multiplexing approaches are presented and compared and based upon such comparisons a two sensor passive star network using time division multiplexing is adopted for use in the project. The transmitter to send the light pulses and receiver to detect the pulses and display them in a user friendly way have been designed and built.;This practical fiber optic current sensor network is used to carry out the experimental investigations and according to the data the proof of concept FOCSNET has been remarkably successful in differentiating and measuring the D.C. currents present in two 3M sensors simultaneously.
Keywords/Search Tags:Current
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