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1 February--12 March 1789: An annotated selection from the journals of Frances Burney (1752--1840)

Posted on:2001-05-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Saroli, Lisa AnnFull Text:PDF
From the age of fifteen until her death, the British female novelist Frances Burney (1752--1840) kept a detailed journal. Although thousands of extant manuscript pages exist, only three inadequate editions of her journals have been published.;The Burney Project at McGill University was founded in 1960 by Dr. Joyce Hemlow and is now under the direction of Dr. Lars E. Troide. The mandate of the Project is to print a critical edition of the entire, unexpurgated journals and letters of Frances Burney with scholarly annotations. As a small part of the Burney Project, my thesis selection falls within the first half of Burney's life and encompasses roughly one and a half months of her journal, from 1 February to 12 March, 1789 (MS pages 3656--3749, Berg Collection), when Burney lived at Court as an attendant to Queen Charlotte. Many of the manuscript pages in this thesis have never before been published.
Keywords/Search Tags:Frances burney, Journals
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