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Electronic data capture program evaluation

Posted on:2003-02-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Southern Connecticut State UniversityCandidate:Bush, Jennifer CFull Text:PDF
The increases in the uses of technology have changed the processes of many industries. For pharmaceutical companies, these changes allow for the implementation of new processes to receive and analyze data for clinical studies. In the pharmaceutical industry, where data can affect not only a patient's safety but also future plans for studies, time is extremely important. A pharmaceutical company strives to be the first to submit information to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regarding a new drug. This allows for approval for human use of the drug and the ability to apply for a patent for the drug. The current study evaluates one program developed in the Data Capture Department of a pharmaceutical company. This program was developed to receive data electronically, rather than by the traditional method of paper reports from the laboratories. These two methods of adding data to a company database were compared. The results showed that using the electronic data process significantly decreased the amount of time taken to receive data from the laboratory, add data to the database, and resolve any transcription errors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data, Program, Pharmaceutical
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