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Nearest neighbour interconnect architecture in deep-submicron FPGAs

Posted on:2003-12-01Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Roopchansingh, Ajay TaveshFull Text:PDF
As FPGAs become mainstream system implementation vehicles, the desire to improve their performance is stronger. In this work we seek to increase the speed of FPGAs by exploring the use of high speed Nearest Neighbour (NN) interconnections . Several commercial FPGA architectures provide these fast connections between adjacent logic blocks because they decrease the best-case delay between circuit elements with the goal of increasing overall performance. This work explores the architecture of these NN interconnects to determine topologies, quantities and distances that are good for performance and area. We develop an augmented architecture generation tool and CAD flow that enumerates and targets various portions of the NN architecture space. We show that certain architectures can achieve a 7.7% performance improvement at the cost of a 6.8% increase in total FPGA area when fully populated. We also show that a 6.4% improvement can be achieved for a more modest cost of 3.8% increase in area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Performance
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