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A laboratory manual for basic material testing

Posted on:2002-02-04Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Kraig, Cassandra Rhea StuderFull Text:PDF
The residue of this research is a Materials Testing Laboratory Manual developed to supplement the Mechanics of Materials Laboratory instruction and the Mechanics of Solids class lecture and reading. The manual describes nine laboratory experiments that are conducted commonly in professional material testing laboratories around the world. Each test is addressed in its own chapter, and is prefaced by a reality teaser that foreshadows historic consequences of a failure of the sort the students are studying, and a bit of general theory that aids the student in connecting the experiment with the material he/she is learning in class. At the end of each chapter, helpful equations, references, and data sheets for each experiment are provided for the student's use in conducting the experiment, analysis of results and writing his/her lab report.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laboratory, Manual, Material
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