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Architecture and design of Internet-based medical management information systems

Posted on:2002-02-21Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Mayberry, Austin CharlesFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390011493890Subject:Computer Science
With the advent of the Internet and broadband, it is now possible to design applications that follow the application service provider model termed ASP. This solution allows the administration of databases and server applications to be moved off of a non-technical client site such as a doctor's office. This frees the doctors from hiring a technician to manage their software, as it is all done remotely via the Internet by a staff that is able to manage hundreds of such clients and is thus better trained to handle any problems that may arise.; This thesis addresses the need for this model and explains the issues involved in designing an application that follows it. Several concerns such as speed, reliability, security, portability, and scalability are described and addressed. Architectural issues with software patterns and various technologies are used to address these concerns in the software design evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet
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