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Building high-performance main memory Web databases

Posted on:2002-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Jiang, MinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390011493737Subject:Computer Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Disk resident databases (DRDBs) dominate today's Web sites. DRDBs have high costs in loading program and reading data from disk, which result in long response time. In this research, we study how main memory Web databases (MMDBs) can help reduce query processing I time on the server side and consequently response time, which is a major indicator of Web server performance. We develop and experiment three simulation models. The Servlet-MMDB model using Java servlets to simulate main memory Web databases; the Module-MMDB model using the server API to simulate main memory Web databases; the CGI-DRDB model using the CGI protocols to simulate disk resident databases for comparison. We discuss the implementation details of each model. We quantitatively study and analyze the experimental results, and compare the two main memory database models with the disk resident database model respectively. Finally we give our recommendations for choosing the best implementation strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Main memory web databases, Resident, Disk, Model
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