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Analysis of the municipal sport services in Castilla-La Mancha: Economics and management indicators (Spanish text)

Posted on:2002-07-20Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (Spain)Candidate:Gallardo Guerrero, LeonorFull Text:PDF
It is notorious that an intense activity has taken place in the development of the municipal sport politicians from the first democratic City councils. Along these years has been defined and developed a competencial mark of the State, Autonomies and Local Corporations. The Law of Sports of 1990, the Autonomous Law of Sports, The Laq 7/85 Regulating of the Local Regime bases and the Law 53/1999 of Contracts of the Public Administrations, offer diverse formulas for the management of a public service.; The sport sector is versatile and is subjected to a continuous evolution, for that seems evident that with independence of the used management system, the organization structures should be the most flexible and open possible to be able to adapt appropriately to the changes that take. The evolution is, because, a mensuration instruments through management indicators that evaluate the effectiveness, and a legitimation source for the action.; The topic object of this doctoral thesis is centered in the analysis of the municipal sport services in Castilla - La Mancha, bigger than 10.000 inhabitants. We thought about de following objectives: (1) To verify through the time how the economic indicators in the last years have evolved. (2) To contrast the parameters obtained in the analyzed municipalities, to discover if relationships exist between the studied municipalities. (3) To discover the self-financing level in which the sport service of Castilla - La Mancha are. (4) To define which are the managements models, used in the municipal sport service of Castilla - La Mancha. (5) To specify which is the degree of sport development of each Municipality.; The design used in this investigation was descriptive, with variables grouping with relation to the fundamental factors of those that derived the analysis of situation of the Municipals Sports Services during the year 1999.; The sample is composed by 16 services. The approach used for the election it has been the Municipalities with bigger population in the Castilla - La Mancha Community.; Conclusions. In the structure type that the City Councils use to carry out their work of sport promotion and of management their sport facilities and activities, presets a slight tendency to the creation of a local autonomous organism. As for to the hiring there is a slight tendency to hire their own personal for part of the Municipalities. In the municipal sport services of Castilla - La Mancha the self-financing is 28,3%. Most of the sport units are negotiated directly; the sport units that are negotiated in an indirect way and in a mixed way they are minority.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sport, La mancha, Management, Castilla, Indicators
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