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Interest as a motivational factor influencing beginning history teachers' experiences as students

Posted on:2004-10-07Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:Queen's University (Canada)Candidate:Young, Angelina ThereseFull Text:PDF
GTID:2467390011477538Subject:Secondary education
History in the Canadian curriculum has lost much of its status due to certain trends over time, e.g., emphasis on different educational objectives and the inclusion of history in the social sciences. The present challenge is to renew interest and increase enrolment in the senior high school level history courses. This study examines five Ontario high school history teachers' learning experiences with their high school and university level history courses. In these five portraits, the participants' motivation to study history is explored, using the framework of interest.;Individual and situational interest were shown to have significant influence on their motivation to take history courses. The participants shared an individual interest in reading, politically oriented topics, and the skills involved in historical study. Situational interest was evident in the participants' experiences with teacher qualities, active student participation, and a variety of resources.;In addition, the participants' motivation could be conceptualized in terms of expectancy-value theory. As well as the intrinsic value or interest in studying history, the participants described utility values of studying history (both personal and societal) and attainment values. These factors indicated the five portraits may be used to help develop history courses that students will find to be more enriching and beneficial.
Keywords/Search Tags:History, Interest, Experiences, Motivation
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