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Shades of green/the emerald ocean: An artist's reflection on regional community art practice

Posted on:2004-05-28Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:Simon Fraser University (Canada)Candidate:Slater, Anne MarieFull Text:PDF
As the personal is part of local history this thesis is concerned with what influences are shaping regional community public artist practice and explores this through the lens of story, and the place we live: in an artist's reflection on the last ten years (1993–2003) of collaborating with community.; The inquiry is grounded in an autobiographical approach to the subject and draws on research through community public arts practice to tell a story of learning with and within community by drawing on practice examples. The inquiry weaves narrative with analysis of, cultural policy, government funding programs and discourse from longer histories and models demonstrating influences on regional artists working with community. Interdisciplinary inquiry as a thread ties together and deepens connections while imbuing the sensory and the transformative possibilities of learning. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Regional, Practice
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